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Nova festival massacre survivor walks Cannes red carpet wearing dress depicting Israeli hostages

Nova festival massacre survivor walks Cannes red carpet wearing dress depicting Israeli hostages
Nova festival massacre survivor walks Cannes red carpet wearing dress depicting Israeli hostages


October 7 attack survivor Laura Blajman-Kadar, wearing a scarf reading “Bring Them Home” and a dress with portraits of the hostages, protested on the red carpet amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, during arrivals for the screening of the film “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga” out of competition at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, France, May 15, 2024. (Photo: REUTERS/Stephane Mahé)

This year there are practically none Israeli directors, actors, actresses and producers at the Cannes Film Festival in France, which opened on Wednesday.

Among the few Israelis present is French-Israeli Laura Blajman-Kadar, co-organizer of last year's Nova Music Festival and survivor of the October 7 Hamas massacre.

Among the few Israelis present is French-Israeli Laura Blajman-Kadar, co-organizer of last year's Nova Music Festival and survivor of the October 7 Hamas massacre.

Blajman-Kadar walked the red carpet in a voluminous bright yellow dress symbolizing the yellow ribbon that calls for the release of the approximately 132 Israeli hostages in Gaza. The dress was decorated with the faces of some of the remaining captives with the words “Bring Them Home.”

However, shortly after arriving on the red carpet, several security guards reportedly said that she doesn't stay too long, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The Franco-Israeli survivor job a photo of her wearing the dress on Instagram with the following caption: It wasn't easy but with the help of amazing people we did it! We will not allow the world to forget you!!! take them home!!!

Blajman-Kadar's presence in Cannes is part of her ongoing campaign to raise awareness of the horrific massacres and the plight of the hostages, an effort she has continued since October 7.

This 35-year-old Franco-Israeli woman was invited to the red carpet, and took the opportunity to remind the world of the fate of the hostages held in Gaza for more than seven months, wrote Le Parisien regarding Blajman-Kadar's appearance.

On the day of the massacre, Blajman-Kadar hid with her husband and seven friends for four hours in a trailer, while mass murders and rapes took place around them.

She published a book in French about her survival called Croire en la vie, to raise awareness in France of what happened on the day that Israelis now call “Black Shabbat.”

I am Franco-Israeli. I was born in France and my book is coming out in French, firstly because it is for the French, she said Radio France in March.

The purpose of my book was to explain to people a little about what happened. A person came to dance one weekend and lost so many friends. It's to talk a little about our life in Israel, the fact that I live in a mixed city with my Arab neighbors and how we live together.”

I recount in my book, minute by minute, this long day. The thoughts we had. We understood that this was not an attack on the holiday, but an attack on all of southern Israel and that a war was beginning. We understood that no one will be able to come and save us,” Blajman-Kadar continued.

During all these hours we heard a massacre, we heard gunshots, we heard people falling to the ground, but we could not see. When we came out, it was truly one of the most horrible things I've seen in my life. Dozens of people on the ground, killed by terrorists, many festival-goers.

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