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The coolest looks from Australian Fashion Week

The coolest looks from Australian Fashion Week
The coolest looks from Australian Fashion Week


Who looked good and what can we learn from street style in Sydney?

Vivas reported from Sydney this week, with fashion director Dan Ahwa on the ground, chatting to industry figures, seeing the new clothes and faces on the catwalk, taking us behind the scenes with the Neo- Zealanders involved. Rory William Docherty and Yu Mei were both there. and considering the current state of Australian fashion.

Returning for another year, Australian Fashion Week takes place once again at Carriageworks in Sydney, attracting a host of media, an eclectic mix that extends beyond traditional guest lists to encompass content creators , people wanting to take advantage of the halo effect and, in many cases. , customers too.

Outside of the shows there is a place for content creation and photography, so outfits are important. In practice, this can mean everything from studied indifference to sponsored outfits to algorithmic styling to, of course, peacocking.

Vintage caps and ties made their way into outfits, long shorts were popular and oversized blazers were seen en masse.

So, what have we learned from our Tasman neighbors?

Bright colors can really improve your mood

Author and TV presenter Jessica Rowe (above) looked sensational in her ensemble from day one, showing off that distinctly eclectic flair that Australians do so well. Other guests had the same idea, with bright colors and referential hues.

These two participants showed different approaches, with one matching prints, the other preferring a vibrant clash.  Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
These two participants showed different approaches, with one matching prints, the other preferring a vibrant clash. Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
British TV presenter Fleur Egan, currently based in Sydney, has proven that blue and green can and should be seen.  Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
British TV presenter Fleur Egan, currently based in Sydney, has proven that blue and green can and should be seen. Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images

There are some great jackets that aren't blazers.

Seriously. There were inspiring street style looks that incorporated cropped and shrunken proportions in denim and leather, as well as bomber silhouettes.

A guest wears a black qipao jacket at Australian Fashion Week.  Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
A guest wears a black qipao jacket at Australian Fashion Week. Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
Two great jackets, one in suede and the other in pinstripes, from Carriageworks.  Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
Two great jackets, one in suede and the other in pinstripes, from Carriageworks. Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images

And prints that aren't stripes, polka dots, flowers or checks.

As much as we love them too, sometimes you need to see something new. Attendees at Australian Fashion Week stepped out with a range of artful designs; some were abstract while others were about culture. Patterns also offer the opportunity to explore the nuances of color theory.

Actor and model Suzan Mutesi in a sensational ensemble from Sydney-based brand Kis-Simba Collection.  Photo / Don Arnold, Getty Images
Actor and model Suzan Mutesi in a sensational ensemble from Sydney-based brand Kis-Simba Collection. Photo / Don Arnold, Getty Images
New Zealand model Emma Boyd in a printed ensemble and complementary fur bag.  Photo / Hanna Lassen/Getty Images
New Zealand model Emma Boyd in a printed ensemble and complementary fur bag. Photo / Hanna Lassen/Getty Images

At Viva we love ties, and it seems Sydneysiders share our appreciation; they were a popular choice at Australian Fashion Week. Here is a great example from Australia Vogue journalist Mahalia Chang who played with traditional tropes by pairing it with a bodice and cap and other well-dressed attendees.

This guest layered a tie with jewelry, showing that if executed the right way, you can do both.  Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
This guest layered a tie with jewelry, showing that if executed the right way, you can do both. Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images

Glamor can be subversive

Whether it's intentionally overdressing, which seems really radical right now, with wardrobes prioritizing efficiency and ease or indulging in sumptuous fibers and weaves (or a big skirt !), it's nice to wear and, as a spectator, to see something special.

Stylist and blogger Jamie Azzopardi wore a fabulous vintage Nicola Finetti look during Australian Fashion Week.  Photo / Don Arnold, Getty Images
Stylist and blogger Jamie Azzopardi wore a fabulous vintage Nicola Finetti look during Australian Fashion Week. Photo / Don Arnold, Getty Images
Beading, embellishments and elegant pleats on these two complementary looks at Carriageworks.  Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
Beading, embellishments and elegant pleats on these two complementary looks at Carriageworks. Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
Internet personality Charlene Davies in a lavish look in Sydney.  Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images
Internet personality Charlene Davies in a lavish look in Sydney. Photo / Hanna Lassen, Getty Images

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