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REI Anniversary Sale 2024 – Verified by Forbes

REI Anniversary Sale 2024 – Verified by Forbes
REI Anniversary Sale 2024 – Verified by Forbes


REI Birthday Sale (i.e. outdoor retailers' biggest sale of the year) kicked off today, May 17th. Throughout the event, you can save up to 30% on popular gear from brands like Osprey, The north face, Garmin and more. Although the sale is open to the general public, REI Co-op members receive additional benefits: 20% off one full-price item and 20% off one REI Outlet item with code. ANNIV24.

The sale will continue until May 27, but we suggest purchasing early as some of the most popular items are bound to sell out. Find all the details of this year's event here, plus our best Birthday Sale discounts broken down by category, including Forbes Vetted-tested picks.

Our Top REI Anniversary Sale Picks at a Glance

REI Anniversary Sale: our clothing choices

Casual and cool, this relaxed cotton tee is a summer must-have. Although you're limited to just two colors, this discount is the best price you'll find online.

REI Co-op Midweight Long-Sleeve Base Layer Top (Men's)

Get this best-selling basecoat for 31% off in five colors. The stretch shirt is made from sun-resistant UPF 50+ material with a smooth flat-seam construction to limit chafing. (It is also available in women's sizes.)

It doesn't get much more classic than this REI down jacket. The comfortable 650 and wind-resistant shell makes it the ideal companion for the changing seasons. It's currently available at an impressive 50% off (and is also on sale in men's sizes).

With medium support and soft, stretchy fabric, this Nike sports bra is ideal for casual runs and other moderate workouts. It is currently on sale in sizes XS to XL.

While the yellow, orange, and green colorways of these popular pants are frequently on sale (currently 50% off), it's rare to see discounts on the more neutral colors. The style is lightweight, durable and made with protective UPF 50+ fabric.

The North Face Rolling Sun Packable Shorts (Men's)

These quick-drying shorts are perfect for summer adventures. They're made from moisture-wicking UPF 40 fabric and can be stored in their own zippered pocket for travel. (Attention: You can buy Khaki Stone, Shady Blue and Black for $10 less directly from The north face(but this deal is the best price we've found for all other colors.)

REI Anniversary Sale: Our Outdoor and Travel Gear Picks

Durable and sleek, this chic Cotopaxi bag is a must-have travel accessory. Its contoured shoulder straps, padded waist belt, internal organizers and laptop sleeve make it an extremely versatile and comfortable bag. (It also meets most airline carry-on size restrictions.)

This well-designed mountain bike comes in a wide range of sizes to fit a variety of riders. The bike features a durable and lightweight aluminum frame and a gear range of 21 speeds. With this discount, you can buy our favorite sub-$1,000 mountain bike for less than $500.

Families who love to camp may appreciate the six-person version of our favorite camping tent. It has convenient internal pockets for organization and ample space for chairs inside the tent and under the covered vestibule. The orange and gray colors are currently on sale.


This North Face adaptable backpack is durable, comfortable, and impeccably organized with a variety of compartments (including a laptop sleeve and hydration port with tube routing). It's also easy on your back: the pack's suspension system has been awarded certification by the American Chiropractic Association. This discount is currently available in six colors.

This sports bag is ideal for travel, trips to the gym and for carrying sports equipment. It's made from water-resistant material and has removable shoulder straps that transform it into a backpack for convenient, hands-free carrying. This discount is available in four colors.

REI Anniversary Sale: Our Shoe Picks

We named the Asics Gel Kayano 30 the best men's running shoe overall. The sneakers are breathable, cushioned and provide excellent shock absorption. Our tester, Michael Holland, has run 45 marathons around the world and says, “They always get me to the finish line.”

Chacos have a passionate cult following for their durable, supportive construction and overall comfortable design. For these reasons (and more), these Z/Cloud sandals are our favorite hiking sandals overall.

Durable yet lightweight, these hiking shoes feature a breathable mesh lining and grippy outsole. They're currently on sale in five colorways, although sizing is limited in some combinations.

Comfort doesn't have to mean sacrificing style. Our favorite stylish walking sandals, these Sorel Viibes straddle the line effortlessly with a cool, baggy aesthetic and supportive design. Only REI members are eligible for this rare discount with code ANNIV24.

REI anniversary sale: our choices of accessories

Treat your pup to our favorite dog harness. It is made of breathable mesh material with foam padding to keep your four-legged friend comfortable without restricting movement. The harness also has a reflective lining for added safety when the sun goes down.

If you're an avid hiker looking for a rugged GPS watch, we recommend the Garmin Instinct 2S. Its durability has been tested to military standards, and its solar-charged battery will keep the clock running in smartwatch mode as long as there is sun (and up to 48 hours in GPS mode).

This classic Coleman camp stove can help you step up your camping meals. I personally own this stove and find it compact, durable and very easy to use. And the two-burner top lets you heat your coffee and fry your eggs at the same time.

A headlamp is a versatile tool to have on hand. It can help you do everything from navigating a dark campsite to a safe evening stroll around the block. This waterproof option from the famous Black Diamond brand is rechargeable and can illuminate up to 100 meters.

This colorful water bottle has a three-layer stainless steel construction that should keep your drink cold for up to 24 hours. Its push-button locking lid helps prevent spills, while its versatile free-sip spout can be used for sipping and drinking. This discount is only available to REI members with the code ANNIV24.

Protect yourself from the long sunny days of summer with this lightweight hat. It features UPF 40+ and a sweatband that helps keep you dry. This shed is currently available in four colors.

This water bottle has a stainless steel exterior and a shatterproof glass interior to prevent flavors from transferring to your drinks. The bottle should also keep drinks cold for up to 24 hours and hot for up to 12 hours. Just keep in mind that neither the bottle nor the lid are dishwasher safe.

When is the 2024 REI Anniversary Sale?

The REI Anniversary Sale usually takes place in the spring. This year it started on May 17th and will continue until Monday May 27th.

How long is the REI Anniversary Sale?

The 2024 REI Anniversary Sale will be live for eleven days. That said, it's best to shop early in the promotion to get the best selection of deals.

Can everyone shop the REI Anniversary Sale?

Yes, the REI Anniversary Sale is open to the general public. However, REI Co-op members can take an additional 20% off a full-price item as well as 20% off a full-price item. REI output article with code ANNIV24. If you're not already a member, it might be worth signing up to take advantage of these exclusive deals, especially if you've got your eye on a big-ticket item.

Is REI Co-Op membership free?

No, one Membership in the REI cooperative requires a one-time fee of $30. That said, you get a lifetime membership and access to perks like exclusive discounts and sales throughout the year, free shipping on most items, and a 10% annual discount. on all eligible purchases. If you're an outdoor enthusiast or want to make at least one major purchase this year, membership is worth considering.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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