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Princess Eugenie turns heads in vibrant, waist-defining dress

Princess Eugenie turns heads in vibrant, waist-defining dress
Princess Eugenie turns heads in vibrant, waist-defining dress


Princess Eugenie looked stunning as she headed to lunch at the Audley pub in Mayfair on Monday before an exclusive dinner hosted by her sister, Princess Beatrice, alongside Aerin Lauder.

Mother-of-two Eugenie wowed onlookers, wearing a lovely outfit consisting of Diane von Furstenberg's 'Gil Tiered Satin Jacquard Midi Dress' in a vibrant purple hue with Gianvito Rossi's 'Gianvito 105' praline suede pumps .

Princess Eugenie in Mayfair wears a ruffled purple silk dress © JAMES CURLEY AND MAGICMOMENTSUK
Princess Eugenie wore a waist-cinching look

The princess carried Mark Cross's 'Romy' clutch to tie to her beige heels. Meanwhile, she wore her dark hair in a slightly wavy style and subtle makeup gave her a glowing look.

Princess Eugenie in a purple dress leaves the Audley pub in Mayfair with Jack Brooksbank© JAMES CURLEY AND MAGICMOMENTSUK
The princess looked so chic in purple

Eugénie and Béatrice's evening

Sarah Ferguson's daughter was to support her older brother at the chic event, which was to celebrate designer Mark Cross's fabulous collaboration with perfume company AERIN.

    Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie at a party© Getty
Princess Beatrice was supported by her sister Princess Eugenie

Held at the beautiful Twenty Two in Grosvenor Square, guests were seated in the luxury hotel's private dining room, surrounded by a plethora of pretty flowers and blooms by Willow Crossley.

The exclusive evening was meant to celebrate designer Mark Cross, who has just launched a capsule collection in collaboration with AERIN, the global luxury lifestyle brand founded by Aerin herself. The collection consists of four utility bags, all made in Italy from natural canvas and trimmed with cowhide leather. The collection will go live at the end of this month and shoppers are excited to get their hands on this fabulous arm candy.

Princess Eugenie wearing a white hat at the Cheltenham Festival© Getty
Princess Eugenie celebrated Aerin's new collaboration

Eugenie's brother-in-law, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, was also in attendance, looking as stylish as always, as well as the York sisters' good friends, Alice Naylor-Leyland and her husband Thomas, and royally loved fashion designers, Amanda Wakeley . and Emilia Wickstead.

Aerin Lauder on the red carpet© Getty
Aerin Lauder co-hosted the evening

Seeing that the capital is bursting with flowers due to the Chelsea Flower Show taking place this week, guests were presented with stunning mini floral bouquets from the table, as well as a selection of Mark Cross bags and an Aerin perfume of their choice.

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This isn't Aerins' first fabulous party in London. In 2023, the creative director, granddaughter of beauty mogul Este Lauder, hosted a dinner celebrating 10 years of Beauty for her eponymous brand, at Harry's Bar in London. Lady Amelia Windsor was a guest, as was Ikram Omar.


Princess Kate wears a black and white polka dot hat

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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