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10 Best Memorial Day Clothing Sales 2024

10 Best Memorial Day Clothing Sales 2024


Want more deals? Visit CNN highlightedMemorial Day Guidefor wall-to-wall coverage of the best discounts available during the holiday weekend.

Memorial Day sales are some of the best of the year, and this year seems to be no different. With the holidays quickly approaching (and the long weekend allowing for plenty of shopping), we've put together a list of the best Memorial Day clothing deals and sales, from men's and women's favorites like Puma, Reebok and Long Levis- I loved retailers like Columbia, Nordstrom Rack, and Abercrombie & Fitch. Read on for 10 of the best Memorial Day clothing deals to shop this year.

The Nordstroms outlet is having a big sale timed for Memorial Day. Clear the Rack runs from May 23-27 and has a ton of deals on your favorite brands. You'll get an extra 25% off everything in the sites clearance section, including items from Marc Jacobs, Vince and more. Just keep in mind that all sales are final, so know your sizes before confirming the order.

This dress is pretty much everything we want to wear on hot summer days, and a ton of colors are included in the clearance.

These easy-going pants are a perfect everyday choice for work or after-hours, especially at almost $140 off.

This comprehensive men's fashion website is having a huge Memorial Day sale with 30% off sitewide and free shipping. Just use code SPF30 at checkout to save big on button-down shirts, vacation shorts, swimsuits and more and to remind you to reapply your own SPF if you haven't already.

These pants give the talented Mr. Ripley vibe and so were right there for that aesthetic this season. Buy them in cream for a true summer look or in a darker color to help them through fall.

This summer-ready linen shirt is perfect for après-beach, date night, brunch, and everything in between. It's available in a ton of colors, so stock up while they're all 30% off.

The Abercrombie & Fitchs sale is wide ranging, with 20% off almost everything, making it the perfect time to round out your summer wardrobe of denim mom shorts, linen skirts, button-down shirts and much more at a lower cost. Exclusions include suede, leather, down, and cashmere, among others, but hey, it's summer anyway.

This angular skort is perfect for summer days, whether you pair it with a loose tee or matching top.

These lightweight linen shorts are perfect for summer, thanks to a 7-inch inseam and a pocket size perfect for your phone so you can easily stay on top of your sunny afternoon plans.

Long a favorite stop for those of us who love floaty maxi dresses, bohemian tops, and patterned skirts, Anthro is having a Memorial Day sale that sees its clearance section reduced by another 40%. There is a preview day on May 22 for those registered with AnthroPerks, and the sale officially begins May 23-27. (PS: Household items are also up to 30% off during this time.)

This stylish blouse is a statement piece ready for summer occasions big and small.

These casual linen pants are suitable for hot summer days by adding polish while keeping them airy and the wide fit is on-trend without the heaviness of denim.

Nordstroms is taking a slightly different direction with its semi-annual May sale, which falls over Memorial Day weekend and runs from May 22 to June 2, a duration giving you plenty of time to shop picks for men, women and children for the summer and the cooler weather to come. Clothing, shoes and more are up to 50% off, so you can shop everything from a dress for your summer wedding invitations to a new pair of sneakers.

These refined pants are all about Old Hollywood glamor, even on Monday mornings at the office.

These stylish high tops are all inspired by the 80s and 90s and also go great with your summer streetwear wardrobe.

Columbia's Memorial Day Sale is officially underway, which means you can shop great deals on outerwear for any season between now and May 27. Jackets, hiking pants, gear and more for the family are high quality and good value. up to 40% off now, so stock up for summer adventures.

Store this packable jacket in your backpack in case of sudden downpours on the trail. It is waterproof thanks to its materials, so there is no membrane or seam sealing.

Stay stable underfoot on the trails with these best-selling hiking boots: the classic pair offers a lightweight midsole for more comfortable hikes and a waterproof yet breathable construction.

The denim staple is having a pretty epic Hello Summer Sale running from May 22-28, giving you plenty of time to score great deals on jeans, jackets, tanks, and other clothing for the whole family. And by great deals, we mean 30% off sitewide, no code needed.

These refined carpenter pants are made from lightweight fabric so they won't be bulky, and we love the utility pockets for carrying items.

Chore coats are having a big moment, and Levis makes a great one for cooler summer nights and into fall.

Pumas is having a Summer Launch Sale that lets you save up to 60% on its selection of clothing and shoes with code SUMMER. Save on tank tops, leggings, tennis shoes and more from May 21-28.

These top-rated running shorts are currently super inexpensive and come with both a tight inner compression short layer and an outer woven short layer for comfortable, chafe-free running (there's also a key pocket ).

These stylish running shoes provide ultra-soft cushioning and excellent grip for long jogs and weekend runs.

Soma, which offers ultra-comfortable pajamas as well as bras, underwear and shapewear, is having an impressive Memorial Day sale with an extra 30% off. It includes the brand's best-selling Cool Nights pajamas, which help regulate hot sleepers' temperatures on hot nights, as well as other pajamas starting at $25 and robes starting at $49.

This super breathable nightgown has a cool fabric feel to help you sleep with less bouncing around on hot summer nights.

This plunge bra is ideal for summer's deep V-necks and comes in a pretty teal shade to change up the black and neutrals in the rotation.

Reeboks' assortment of athletic shoes, sneakers and apparel is kicking off its Memorial Day sale on May 21 with up to 65% off sitewide, plus 20% off select additional styles in its MAP assortment. No code is needed for the general sale, but you will need to use the code MEMORIALDAY to get 20% off MAP items. The deals are valid until June 3, so don't wait to gear up your fitness game for summer.

These everyday sneakers in neutral, go-with-everything tones with a pop of yellow are perfect for anchoring your favorite summer outfits.




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