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In new lawsuit, model is latest to accuse Sean Combs of sexual assaultExBulletin

In new lawsuit, model is latest to accuse Sean Combs of sexual assaultExBulletin


A sixth lawsuit against the rap mogul alleges he drugged a model before assaulting her.

Scott Dudelson/Getty Images



Scott Dudelson/Getty Images

A sixth lawsuit against the rap mogul alleges he drugged a model before assaulting her.

Scott Dudelson/Getty Images

Hip-hop mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs is accused of another sexual assault in a growing list of assault cases. In a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday in New York, model Crystal McKinney claims Combs coerced and sexually assaulted her in 2003.

McKinney alleges in the suit that when she was 22, Combs invited her to a recording studio after a Men's Fashion Week event, where he then pressured her to take photos. drugs and alcohol and forced her to have oral sex. According to the suit, McKinney claims he was unknowingly given marijuana laced with “a narcotic or other intoxicating substance” and that in his disoriented state, Combs physically took the intoxicated McKinney into the room. bath and imposed himself on her. Afterwards, McKinney says she lost consciousness and woke up in a taxi. The suit alleges that Combs then used his influence to blackball McKinney from the industry.

This is the sixth civil lawsuit filed against Combs since last November, all accusing him of similar assault crimes. The lawsuit comes just days after surveillance footage was leaked showing Combs attacking his former girlfriend, Cassie Ventura, in a hotel hallway, consistent with a 2016 incident described in the filing that took place in the now-closed InterContinental Hotel in Century City, Los Angeles. . McKinney says in his complaint that the documents filed by Ventura and others made him feel a “moral obligation” to come forward. Combs' Bad Boy Entertainment label, its parent company Universal Music Group and his Sean John clothing company are also named in the suit.

In March, teams of federal agents conducted coordinated raids on two homes associated with Combs. One of his lawyers called the action “a premature rush to judgment against Mr. Combs and is nothing more than a witch hunt based on baseless accusations made in civil suits.” Following surveillance footage showing Combs assaulting Ventura, the record exec posted an apology video on his Instagram (May 19): “My behavior in this video is inexcusable,” he says to the camera. “I take full responsibility for my actions in this video. … I was disgusted at the time when I did it. I'm disgusted now.”

In a statement released the same day, Ventura's lawyers rejected the apology. “Combs’ most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has hurt,” it read. “When Cassie and several other women came forward, he denied everything and suggested his victims were looking for pay. The fact that he was only forced to 'apologize' after his repeated denials were proven false shows his pathetic desperation, and no one will be swayed by his disingenuous words. The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office revealed in its own statement that no case related to the attack had been presented to law enforcement. 'order and that if the attack in the video had occurred in 2016 as stated, charges could not be filed due to limitations.




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