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Anne Hathaway basically said Gap was back in white dress

Anne Hathaway basically said Gap was back in white dress


When Anne Hathaway stepped out wearing big jewelry and a floor-length white shirt dress with nothing but a corset underneath, I immediately wanted to know the details of the outfit; This is the sexiest version of the classic summer dress I possibly own Never seen. I wasn't surprised to learn that she was wearing jewelry that could pay off my student loans (and more), but I was shocked when I discovered that her dress was from a classic designer brand. A mall.

The actress' dress was a custom piece from Gap and no, you didn't read that wrong. Hathaway not only proved that the brand is very back, but her custom Zac Posen dress for Gap was a shining example of what the brand does best: classic styles with a modern twist.

The Hathaways dress sent me straight to the Gaps website not only to find a similar style (although it might be available soon, according to a press release), but also to see what was new and I discovered that a certain number of his summer staples are up to 60 percent off. Below you'll find everything I'm looking at, starting at just $12.

9 Best Gap Deals

Belted midi dress in crinkled gauze


While you can't grab Hathaway's exact dress right now, this mid-length belted model comes pretty close. Like the celebrity dress, this one also cinches the waist and features small cap sleeves and a button front closure that gives you the option to create a sexy look. According to buyers, it fits perfectly, comfortable[but] neither sloppy nor too oversized and is ideal for summer thanks to its cool flowy design.

365 high-waisted linen-blend shorts


Linen shorts should be on everyone's summer shopping list: they're dressier than denim shorts, but arguably more comfortable and offer the lightweight feel you need on hot days. I personally understand this pair is now $24. The 365 High-Rise Linen Shorts come in eight colors, feature pleated details, and sit high on the waist for a fit that shoppers call super flattering. They feel chic and tailored enough to wear with a blazer, and comfortable enough for tees and sneakers, one fan raved about their style, while another person wrote that they looked great on them and felt good.

Modern Shell Tank Top


I'll mindlessly spend $12 at a coffee shop, so why not get some this classic tank when it is on sale for the same amount? (That's how I justified adding it to my cart this morning, don't hesitate to tell yourself the same thing). The top, made from a cotton-modal blend described by one customer as soft and stretchy, has a slim fit, a slightly cropped hem and more than 500 five-star ratings. According to one shopper, everything about this tank top is perfect, from the length and armholes that don't open but aren't tight, to the thick straps that cover your bra. And according to someone else, the top is a classic style and feels like a step up from a baggy t-shirt, which I thought meant I'd wear it every day.

The gap has always been THE place to stock up on wardrobe essentials and the Hathaways look was the perfect reminder of that. Shop more summer styles on sale. I shop below.

Stride high-rise wide-leg jeans


Linen blend midi dress


Modern shirt with puffed sleeves and ribbing


24/7 Split Hem Turtleneck Sweater


Short linen blend dress


Cropped button-back tank top in linen blend





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