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Bridal fashion, wedding dresses were the most fashionable look at the Cannes Film Festival

Bridal fashion, wedding dresses were the most fashionable look at the Cannes Film Festival


They want to impress.

Rather than rice, fashion fanatics are praising Hollywood's highest echelon. transform the red carpet of the 77th Cannes Film Festival in a chichi bridal aisle.

Stealing the spotlight from blockbuster films screening this year on the French Riviera, famous starlets including Anya Taylor-Joy, Uma Thurman, Kelly Rowland and Helena Christensen stunned in wedding-inspired gowns from design houses from luxury.

And the radiant white regalia left online viewers saying yes to each dress.

The Destiny's Child singer served bridal style in a Jean-Louis Sabaji gown at the premiere of The Count of Monte Cristo. AFP via Getty Images

Slay Queen, you are class!!!!, applauds an approving admirer by Rowland, 43, on

Taylor-Joy, 28, sparked similar flattery from fans after flaunting a seductive figure in a see-through, strapless outfit from the new Le Mariage de Jacquemus bridal collection.

The Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga star elegantly pinched the train of the floor-length piece, which also featured floral appliqués, while strutting her stuff in white Aquazzura gladiator sandals.

Thurman, 54, appeared altar-ready in a custom ivory Burberry duchess silk satin gown, and model Christensen, 55, looked every bit the blushing bride in a glorious white Vivienne Westwood gown.

Taylor-Joy gave off beachside bridal looks in her Jacquemus number during the festival. GC Images
“Oh, Canada” star Thurman took the red carpet by storm in a bridal piece by Burberry. Getty Images
A runway diva, Christensen slayed wedding day glamor in Vivienne Westwood's head-turning togs. Scott A. Garfitt/Invision/AP

Stars with an affinity for the fabulous have become fascinated with “big day” style in recent months.

Kylie Jenner, Jodie Turner-Smith and Ariana Grande were all adorned with I Do-like designs at the 2024 Met Gala.

And futuristic designers like Iris Van Herpen, who designed tech mogul Mona Patels stunning Met Gala outfit, just unveiled the world's first 3D printed wedding dress, a dreamy addition to her trendy oeuvre.

Emmanuel looked like a bridal doll in a white lace Chanel dress. KCS Press / MEGA
Fathi left his mark on the festival catwalks by stunning in haute couture for his Cannes debut. Getty Images
Plaza cut a curved frame in a bridal-inspired cream design by Loewe. Getty Images

Brides, a virtual wedding planning center, attributed the VIP shift towards bridal fashion to its classically dramatic trains, chic low-waisted silhouettes and eye-catching floral embellishments.

Megalopolis actress Nathalie Emmanuel, 35, joined the bride-to-be festivities, turning heads in a custom Chanel Haute Couture gown at the sci-fi drama's Cannes debut this weekend.

Her co-star Aubrey Plaza, 39, served up holy marital sophistication in a floor-length, long-sleeved white dress with draped detail at the waist by Loewe.

Movie siren Jena Malone, 39, followed suit in a flowing dress by Zuhair Murad. And Emirati singer Blaquee Fathi, 39, made her festival debut in a romantic white dress by Italian designer Giambattista Valli.

Candice Swanepoel, Claire Holt and Carmen Sonne also wore clothes by Westwood, Georges Chakra and Louis Vuitton, respectively.




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