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“God has ordained that I continue working until 2047” India TV

“God has ordained that I continue working until 2047” India TV


Modi with Rajat Sharma: Brimming with confidence, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said, “I believe God has ordained that I will work 24×7 till 2047 to achieve the goal of a Viksit Bharat (India developed). » He was answering questions from Rajat Sharma during the show “Salaam India”.

Modi said, “I feel that God Almighty has sent me for a special purpose. God has sent me to achieve the goal of a Viksit Bharat by 2047. God shows me the way, God gives me energy. I am fully confident I will achieve this goal by 2047 and until this goal is achieved, God will not remind me (Jab Tak Poora Nahin Hota, Mujhe Parmatma Waapas Nahin Bulayenge, I will not I have no other place in this world than this one).Modi is currently 74 years old.

Modi said, '400 Paar' is a slogan not coined by the BJP, but by the people. “There were already 400 of us in Parliament in the last five years, thanks to the support we received from other parties. Any child who gets 95 percent marks will naturally strive for a higher target.”

Level playing field

Modi criticized the Congress and other opposition parties for complaining that they were not given a level playing field in this election. He recalled how the then Chief Election Commissioner (TN Seshan) had postponed polling across the country by 22 days in 1991, after the assassination of Congress leader Rajiv Gandhi in Sriperumbudur on May 21, 1991, then that only one round of voting had been completed. The elections were postponed until mid-June and voting finally took place on June 12 and 15.

“Was the playing field level?”, PM Modi asked. He said: “Normally, when a candidate dies, elections in that constituency are canceled, but in 1991, elections across the country were postponed and voting resumed only after the funeral of the deceased leader have been widely publicized.

“The same person (TN Seshan), after retirement, fought against our party president (LK Advani) in Gandhinagar in 1999 on a ticket for the Congress,” Modi said.

When asked why two sitting chief ministers (in Delhi and Jharkhand) were jailed while the election process was underway, Modi said, “We did not send them to jail. The courts sent the two chief ministers to jail. We do not have the power to send someone to imprison or keep someone in prison. The courts have the power. Look at what the Supreme Court said in the case of ex-Jharkhand CM (Hemant Soren). Look what the Delhi High Court said about the former minister (Manish Sisodia) in money laundering. People saw huge amounts of money seized by the Enforcement Directorate. We should all honor ED for seizing Rs 2,200 crore in cash, which can be filled in at least 70 installments, during the 10 years of UPA rule. , ED had seized only Rs 34 lakh in cash which can be stuffed in a schoolbag.

Modi lashed out at the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government over the Delhi liquor issue, saying, “They wanted to spoil the lives of children by opening liquor outlets near schools , offered a free bottle of alcohol for every bottle sold, because they got the commission on the number of bottles sold… Let me be very clear. I won the 2014 elections only because I promised to take action against the corrupt. It is only thanks to this that I was elected. I don't run this government to get good editorials or good TV headlines. My government is working to eradicate corruption.


On Pakistan's allegations that India is behind the “targeted killings by unknown killers” of terrorists in that country, Modi replied: “That is not the problem.” I know, the Pakistani people are worried today. I also know that I am the root cause of their worries (Main Jaanta Hoon Unki Pareshani Ka Kaaran Main Hoon) But I also know that some people in our own country are also worried Woh rote Rahen Samajh Me Aa Sakta Hai, Yahan Waale Kyun rote hain, Main Samajh Nahin Sakta Hoon (). I can understand when they cry, but I don't understand why our people cry).”

Modi cited the example of how “the leader of a respected party, which ruled our country for 60 years and during which the 9/11 attacks in Mumbai took place, once asserted that he It was not about Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab and his men, but about our own people. It is really saddening. How can such a leader make a statement in favor of Pakistan and Ajmal Kasab? I feel ashamed every time I hear such a remark.

To Mani Shankar Aiyar's remark that India should respect Pakistan because it has atomic bombs, Modi responded in a light-hearted manner: “Taaqat Main Khud Pakistan Jaake Check Karke Aaya Hoon (I myself am went to Pakistan and checked their potency). ). I landed in Lahore without any security checks, and one of their TV reporters was saying Hai Allah, Modi landed in Pakistan without any visa. Yes, it was during their live debates. Zamaane Mein (Why I can't do it, Pakistan was once part of our country)”

About a Shiv Sena (UBT) leader predicting that Modi might send a trainload of devotees to the new Ram temple in Ayodhya before the elections and that Pakistan might blow up the train, causing riots and making his election easier Modi, Modi replied: “Why can't journalists ask this leader why he doesn't take medicine or undergo a medical examination. Did a train explode? Did riots take place? He should get his sick mental state checked.

READ ALSO |'I have come to check Pakistan's strength myself': PM Modi tells Rajat Sharma in biggest interview of the season




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