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The best fashion evenings at Cannes 2024: Dior, Killian, Michael Kors

The best fashion evenings at Cannes 2024: Dior, Killian, Michael Kors


Cannes' Croisette was bustling with receptions, parties, pop ups, dinners and the hustle and bustle of celebrities trying to get on the red carpet. Because fashion and cinema are linked in a stronger relationship than ever, film festivals like Cannes are full of fashion brand events that extend the conversation about style beyond the flamboyant clothes of the red carpet. This year, brands from Saint Laurent, Lanvin and Dior to Michael Kors and Kilian Paris all organized evenings bringing together friends of their respective houses, as part of the city's celebration of cinema.

On Wednesday evening, May 22, the perfume brand Kilian Paris organized a star-studded evening in a restaurant turned nightclub, where the brand launched its new perfume Sunkissed Goddess. Kilian Hennessy, the founder of Kilian Paris, welcomed the guests and posed for photos with them. Present at the party were Kelly Rowland (who previously had a tense exchange with security at Cannes), Coco Rocha and Lucien Laviscount.

“Gold or nothing” was written on the invitation, so many guests showed up in gold outfits and took photos in front of the large Kilian Paris sign with a glittering gold background before entering. The bar served custom cocktails while a station served coconut water in coconut shells. There was also a tattoo station – a typical highlight of the Kilian brand party.

Kelly Rowland and Kilian Paris, founder of Kilian Hennessy, in Cannes.

Pierrick Rocher/

Michael Kors hosted a dinner for select celebrities and influencers across from the Martinez Hotel at their beach club, followed by an afterparty. Actress Kelly Rutherford, Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece, Rossy de Palma and others were in attendance at the dinner and wore looks from the Michael Kors collection. The collection is an ode to the sophistication of resort-chic attire that Michael Kors calls “barefoot glamour.” Gathering at sunset for cocktails on the hotel's beach club pier, guests then sat in the restaurant while French singer Santa (aka Samanta Cotta) serenaded them.

Kelly Rutherford (left) and Rossy de Palma at the Michael Kors dinner in Cannes.

Jean Picon

The dinner then turned into an afterparty that lasted until at least 2 a.m. with an early 2000s pip-hop soundtrack provided by DJ Martin Solveig. During the evening, we saw a real estate broker based in Los Angeles and Selling the Sunset star Jason Oppenheim relaxes with friends.

For 12 years, Nespresso – known for its humorous George Clooney adverts – has had a presence on the Croisette during the festival, providing a place where people can sit on the beach while sipping cocktails during or between meetings. Nespresso's orange-colored beach club also offers lunch; Reservations required.

Chef Jean Imbert (left) and Omar Sy at the Nespresso evening in Cannes.

The premium Swiss coffee brand also hosted a dinner during the festival, featuring dishes from chef Jean Imbert, winner of season 3 of the French-Belgian iteration of the reality show. Best boss. He succeeds Alain Ducasse as head of the kitchens at the Hôtel Plaza Athénée in Paris and directs the kitchens at the Hôtel Martinez on the Croisette. Present at the dinner were French rugby player Antoine Dupont, French media personality Léna Mahfouf and Filipino actress Pia Wurtzbach. And just before dinner, the French actor Omar Sy, from the Netflix series Lupinemet Chef Imbert.

Dior was one of the first brands to organize a party at the start of the festival, organized in collaboration with Madame Figaro and Moët & Chandon. Held on the rooftop of the JW Marriott Hotel, it was a lively evening where actress and global women's fashion and makeup brand ambassador Anya Taylor-Joy was in attendance and mesmerized the guests. Also present were director Greta Gerwig, French actresses Juliette Binoche and Camille Cottin, as well as German actress Wilma Elles. With a pool at the center of the space, guests sipped custom cocktails and nibbled on hors d'oeuvres. French singer Eddy de Pretto brought the party to life.

And Lanvin, although the brand has not announced who its next creative director will be, has been very busy during the festival. A new Lanvin boutique opened on May 12 just before the festival. This is a return to the famous French city since the founder of the house, Jeanne Lanvin, opened a boutique on the Croisette in the early 1920s.

From left: Omara Shetty, Abel Ferrara, Cate Blanchett and Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre at Lanvin's dinner at Cannes.

Courtesy of Lanvin

“It’s a return to Cannes for Lanvin after a century of absence. This makes sense. And as always in real estate, it was about seizing a fantastic opportunity to return to a prime location on the Croisette,” Siddhartha Shukla, Deputy Managing Director of Lanvin. said WWD.

Inside, shoppers will find a maritime-inspired store design and anecdotes from the brand's founder. Lanvin also hosted a filmmakers' dinner in tribute to director and screenwriter Paul Schrader and actress and director Valeria Golino. Present were Abel Ferrara, Whit Stillman, Melita Toscan Du Plantier and the director of the Cannes Film Festival, Thierry Frémaux.

The new Lanvin boutique in Cannes.

Courtesy of Lanvin




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