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Bridal boutique grants final wish for dying mother and daughter

Bridal boutique grants final wish for dying mother and daughter
Bridal boutique grants final wish for dying mother and daughter


Every woman dreams of going wedding dress shopping with her mother. But a cancer diagnosis almost stole that chance from Ally Fuhs until a small business intervened.

HOLLAND, Michigan In a place like Sweet spring on 8th street you will find hundreds of dresses, even this one.

They see a vision of themselves coming together. This little 12-year-old girl is now standing on a pedestal and looking at herself in the mirror,” smiled wedding manager Ali Kent.

In their boutique, a girl's dream wrapped in lace and tulle.

But for Ally Fuhs, she's not even engaged.

The first dress I tried on was the dress,” she said.

But this time with her mother, she couldn't wait.

Her eyes were bright, but she just smiled and looked at me. She kept telling me how beautiful I am,” Ally cried.

Just a few weeks ago, a diagnosis erased years of future moments for Ally and her mother.

It was bile duct cancer. Bile duct cancer is very aggressive,” Ally said. We were told that with treatment with chemotherapy she may be able to survive for up to four years.”

But it was just enough time for one more thing.

When it became clear that we had very little time left, she asked my brother and I if this was something either of us really wanted to do with her while we could.” , she declared in tears.

My mom and I have always been fans of “Say Yes to the Dress.” We talked for years about how we would one day buy wedding dresses and what that would look like. So that was my only thing. And when I asked her that, she said: It was also the only thing I really wanted to do with you.

This one thing led them straight to Ali Kent.

She said, “I have to ask you a huge favor,” Ali said.

It was a favor for the bride's manager, but for Ally and her mother, Sarah, it was a last wish.

I wondered if I could do it, to be honest,” Ali said. “I didn't know if I could hold it together for them.”

Ally had the chance to choose the perfect wedding dress without even the perfect wedding ring.

We made sure to make a private appointment before the store opened,” Ali said. “Due to Sarah's limitations, she couldn't come up here, so we were dressing the bride here, she was running down the stairs and showed it to his mother. .

Spring Sweet did everything, they did my hair, they did the veil, they gave us flowers. So that when I picked out this dress, I could walk down, she could see me what I would look like walking down the aisle,” Ally said.

I was honored to be asked to do this. Just honored,” Ali said. My mom came to visit me a few weekends ago. And I was more intentional, even with it, even with the way I told her about my gratitude for her support and of what it really means to me.

“They gave us a moment we both needed. And I'll never forget,” Ally cried. “That day was so bright. And it was such a happy moment in a really dark time.

A light that quickly faded.

The next day she lost her speech,” Ally said. My mother died four days later.”

Just six weeks after that first diagnosis, Ally's best friend was gone.

My mother was an angel. An absolute angel. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. But I am forever grateful that we were able to do this together,” she cried. Being there that day without her is unspeakable. But knowing that she saw me in the dress, that she was part of From experience, this will make that much easier.

A day for one last moment, dedicated to finding “the one”. It was the last gift Ally's mother had given her.

“She said, 'Okay, I want to buy it for you. I want to do this for you. I want to be a part of your day,” she said.

White dresses symbolize a new beginning. The one Ally chose that day in March is more of a reminder of an ending and a love that will never be.

“She’s always with me,” Ally smiles through tears.

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