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Is it spring or summer? How are we supposed to dress for the weather right now?

Is it spring or summer?  How are we supposed to dress for the weather right now?


Sglasses. Leggings. Jumper. Solar cream. Coat. Bikini. Wool cap. Umbrella.

Each of these items was in my bag over the weekend. I was simply packing for a day; I had planned a walk along the coastal path and had considered meeting friends at the harbor for a late lunch. But, like every other Brit at the moment, I had no idea how to dress for a day that might include some or all of the following: sun, rain, wind, fog, cold, heat, hail.

I have no evidence to support this claim, but that won't stop me from telling anyone who will listen that this month of May seems more changeable than any other in living memory. I've never had so much trouble choosing an outfit in the morning. Wear a pair of tights and boots and you'll find yourself sweaty in the mid-twenties heat. Opt for short sleeves and no jacket, and you're asking to get caught in a freak monsoon. Leave the straw trilby at home and prepare to feel the wrath of the sun as your hair parting gets badly burned in real time when the clouds suddenly clear without warning. So have fun explaining to everyone that it's not dandruff, it's sunburn, honestly for the next two weeks.

I can't live like that! my friend shouted suddenly and excessively as we sat shivering on a restaurant terrace recently, having been assured by the Met Office that spring was officially just another lie in the network of lies that have made up weather forecasts since time immemorial.

As I write this, in the space of four hours, the sky has gone from pewter to bright blue, rendering my heavy faux leather jacket completely unnecessary. And yet, I'm sure that if I were to pay full price and suggest outdoor drinks after work, Dr. Drizzle would come pissing all over the parade. We just can't win.

You see a lot of people who just don't know what to do this time of year, observes the men's personal stylist. Nick Hems. You go out in the morning and see some people wearing winter coats and sweaters, and others wearing shorts and t-shirts, it's always strange when the season changes and you see everyone dressed for something completely different.

The unpredictable weather has already had an impact on some shopping habits in the UK, according to market research agency Mintel. Their data suggests that 52 percent of women agree that seasonal clothing has become less important in fashion.

A denim midi skirt is a cooler alternative to jeans
A denim midi skirt is a cooler alternative to jeans (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The changing weather, along with people being more cautious with their discretionary spending, has led people to buy more versatile items that can be worn for different seasons and occasions, says Tamara Sender Ceron, associate director of commerce at fashion retail at Mintels. As consumers prefer to buy clothes they can wear immediately, retailers may benefit from delaying sales of some summer items until later in the year, rather than spring, the study suggests. the company.

We've seen retailers add more transitional collections that can be worn for different types of weather and mixed and matched, adds Sender Ceron. One example is Next, which launched a new online women's clothing brand called Florere in September 2023, featuring pieces that can be worn all year round.

When creating an outfit that can survive rapid climate change, lightweight layering is key, experts say. But, even though it seems simple, if you get it wrong, you could end up looking like the pigeon lady from Home Alone 2warns the stylist and consultant Krishna Parmar. Don't be afraid to get creative with your layering, advises Susie Hasler, who runs an award-winning personal shopping service. Styled by Susie: When it comes to layering, it doesn't have to be with a cardigan, it can be a cotton shirt or a kimono. Nothing too thick or heavy.

Hems agrees that fabric choice is key here: pay attention to materials if it's hot, opt for clothes like linen or a lightweight cotton overshirt that's looser fitting and allows air to circulate around the body. For colder days, he recommends something like a very lightweight wool or merino wool cardigan to help regulate your body temperature. But he highlights the need for a lightweight base layer underneath that actually looks good in case the mercury rises. Make sure it's something you'd be happy to be seen in if you have to remove your other layers and not a horrible dirty vest.

Just because you're layering clothes, style doesn't have to go out the window.

Starting with a thin layer and gradually getting thicker as needed is Parmars' advice, while limiting it to a maximum of three items so that nothing is too bulky and pieces can be quickly removed and added to change depending on weather. For spring, I would always choose a T-shirt as a base layer and pair it with knitwear and a thin waterproof jacket, he says.

But just because you're wearing layers doesn't mean style has to go out the window: have fun with it; play with colors and patterns. When mixing patterns, it's kind of nice to separate them with a solid color, says Parmar, who also advocates going tonal if bold statements aren't in your sartorial wheelhouse: When in doubt, choose different shades in the same color for the ultimate chic look. .

Her final tip is to increase the fantasy factor by 10 percent, as layering can often look less dressy. Want to layer a jacket over a dress for a daytime look, but worried it'll be too casual? Try a blazer instead. Either way, replace the cardigan with a nice button-up shirt. A higher level of style ensures you don't save all your good clothes for the best and instantly makes you look like you've made an effort.

Heading south, for women who are too hot for jeans, try the denim midi skirt that's available right now because it's warm enough for the changeable weather, Hasler says. You can wear it with a T-shirt, a tied shirt or a cropped sweatshirt, and pair it with a denim jacket. On the men's clothing side, Hems is the team chino all the way.

Feeling bold?  Add yellow socks to the mix
Feeling bold? Add yellow socks to the mix (Getty Images)

When it comes to shoes, forget flimsy ballet flats or tennis shoes. In today's climate, these are durable shoes that won't be destroyed by a sudden downpour, Hasler says. Save your canvas shoes for dry days. But also try not to put your winter boots back on; opt for leather sneakers instead. Hemlines are plumped for minimalist white loafers or sneakers this time of year, or even blue or brown alternatives as they go with most outfits, with the caveat that you should treat them with a protective spray when you buy them in case you get caught in the rain.

If you're cold and not quite ready to brave bare ankles in sneakers and jeans, Hasler recommends going bold and throwing on a pair of colorful socks, especially bright red, which can be combined with moccasins and cigarette pants. Or you can wear bright yellow socks with colorful or white sneakers, she adds. The style of the socks should match your shoe choice for a cohesive look, according to Hems. If you're wearing minimalist sneakers, keep the socks simple and minimalist, he says. If you wear designer sneakers, try matching them with sports socks from the same brand, as the continuity makes you look a little more refined.

And finally, despite my exasperation with my overstuffed backpack filled with accessories for every type of weather, it looks like I might actually be onto something.

It's always good to have a backpack or bag you can carry around, Hems says. If you're planning to take off an overshirt or put on a raincoat, buy a really nice backpack to carry your layers.

I don't know if we could describe my waterproof, concrete gray and terribly practical Decathlon backpack as nice, but let's go ahead and pretend I'm fashionable for once. Turns out, choosing substance over style might just be this spring's hottest choice.




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