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Beth Potter and Cassandre Beaugrand react to dress rehearsal in Paris after WTCS Cagliari clash – Elite News

Beth Potter and Cassandre Beaugrand react to dress rehearsal in Paris after WTCS Cagliari clash – Elite News


For the second time this season, favorites for the Olympic gold medal Beth Potter And Cassandre Beaugrand clashed, Beaugrand winning this time at WTCS Cagliari.

Last month, Potter won the supertri E triathlon world championship, but couldn't match Beaugrand's finishing speed in the closing stages of the 10km race in Italy.

Beaugrand, who won his first Olympic distance WTCS victory in Cagliari, will draw strength from this result, as will Lisa Tertsch from Germany, who edged out Potter for second place, with the Briton completing the podium in third.

“I think it was just in my head.”

After coming under significant pressure during the second half of the race, Beaugrand managed to defy the odds and push through some visibly difficult times, while holding on long enough to trigger his final sprint.

WTCS Cagliari 2024 Cassandre Beaugrand finish
Photo credit: Tommy Zaferes / World Triathlon

The French star, asked after the race how she kept in touch with the aggressive moves of the leaders, said it took as much mental strength as physical strength to stay competitive in the final kilometers.

I think it was just in my mind. I tried to be brave and told myself that I couldn't lose another sprint after doing it in Quarteira. [Europe Triathlon Cup].

“I haven't run much the last few weeks, so I just tried to be good, tried to keep up with the girls and then I knew I had a good chance with a sprint and I grabbed it.”

“I felt a little slow during this race”

After making several efforts to beat Beaugrand earlier in the race, Potter was ultimately forced to settle for third place, but said a few factors prevented her from feeling at her best in Italy.

Beth Potter, Emma Lombardi WTCS Cagliari 2024Beth Potter, Emma Lombardi WTCS Cagliari 2024
Photo credit: World Triathlon / @by_wout

I just finished a very big block of training after my last appearance on the blue carpet eight months ago. I was aiming for victory today, but I finished third after trying my luck.

I'm lucky enough to have qualified last year, so my target now is July 31st, but I wanted to get in a race beforehand and know how my swim and bike were doing.

I felt a little slow during this run, I had a bad cold a few weeks ago and just got through it, but I'm happy with where I am and I'm ready to go again .

The dark horse Tertsch continues its momentum

Improving on her 14th place finish a fortnight ago at WTCS Yokohama, Tertsch showed that she is a force to be reckoned with at the Olympic distance and that, in the right race, she can compete for a medal in Paris.

Lisa Tertsch WTCS Cagliari 2024 ends directlyLisa Tertsch WTCS Cagliari 2024 ends directly
Photo credit: World Triathlon / @by_wout

Earlier this season, the German beat Beaugrand and Georgia Taylor-Brown at the European Triathlon Cup in Quarteira, and after her result in Cagliari, she said she was happy with the direction things were taking.

I qualified for Paris last year, so this year it was all about preparation to race there and I'm very happy with this race. I'm happy with how the races are going and how the training is going before the Olympics.




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