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12 Best Amazon Summer Dress Sellers for Memorial Day

12 Best Amazon Summer Dress Sellers for Memorial Day


Summer dresses are the epitome of the season's style: effortless looks that can be transformed from day to night, spruced up or made more casual. This is why it's important to restock your dress selection each season, especially as some events call for more formal cuts—hello summer weddings! while days at the beach invite easy, airy and fluid fashion.

As Memorial Day reminds us that summer is officially here (and brings tons of sales), take advantage of discounts to increase your inventory and ensure a summer of style. I've scoured Amazon's Memorial Day sales for the best clothing deals, and these are the must-haves you won't want to miss, including hot brands like Vince Camuto and London Times that will take you everywhere from barbecues to in the garden at tropical weddings. holidays and all events in between.

Merokeety Puff Sleeve Smocked Floral Summer Dress


Available in 14 different colors (I personally love the tea rose and ginger options), this long sleeve chiffon dress with a round neck and bubble sleeves is perfect for the first days of summer when it's still chilly after the sunset. The floral texture adds a playful touch but the high waist adds sophistication. Plus, the elastic waist and lining allow you to stay in this dress for hours while remaining comfortable while looking stylish.

Dokuritu crochet lace maxi beach dress


This maxi could be billed as a beach dress, but the crochet, lace, and spaghetti strap details make this cut a versatile option for other casual affairs. Better yet, it can be dressed up: throw on a pair of wedges and call it chic evening wear. The dress is soft and breathable thanks to its polyester blend, and it comes in nearly two dozen colors, from classic white to sprout green and delicate apricot.

The Drop Britt Tiered Maxi Tent Dress


Tiered dresses are definitely understated, flowy and fabulous, the tiers add a bit of structure to the loose style. This particular style of tent is made even more portable thanks to its incredibly soft Tencel Lyocell blend fabric. The dress has pockets and the straps feature hidden buttons that allow you to mix and match cuts, making it ideal for traveling since it's like two dresses in one.

Pink Queen Cutout Sleeveless Bodycon Midi Dress


If you're looking for a fun ensemble for a more casual night out, look no further than this cutout midi dress with a flattering side slit. The color-block style (available in over 24 shades!) makes a statement, so it's easy to throw in a weekend bag or add to a suitcase for a night out that doesn't require any extra bold accessories. The material is mostly viscose with a little nylon, so it's all in one stretchy and stylish.

The Drop April Asymmetric Cutout Tiered Midi Dress


There is so much to love about this dress, where do I start? The 100% cotton shell is versatile and durable, the cutouts add a casual touch to the dress's elegant flow, and the tiered, one-shoulder bubble sleeves add unique character. Described as neither baggy nor clingy, it nevertheless shapes the body and its classic colors make it an ideal staple in your summer wardrobe.

Terea Annalize shawl collar maxi dress


Sometimes color equates to casual, but this is not one of those cases. The shawl collar maxi dress is vibrant with its teardrop pattern in complementary blue and orange tones, but the slits and fabric elevate this style. This dress is so pretty! one reviewer wrote. It is well made with good material and sits very well. They added that they loved the shawl collar and that the dress held up well in the wash.

Trina Turk Ruffle Hem Cocktail Dress


This Trina Turk staple will surely have friends and strangers complimenting you all night long. The Majorelle Blue and Zelliege Green pattern offers a touch of understated whimsy, and I love the way the devoré fabric hugs the body, then flares out with its ruffled hem at the midi length. The straps are adjustable and although they aren't available in other colors, that's part of what makes them so unique. Plus, it's almost 80% off right now.

London Times polished v-neck dress with ruffle hem


Every wardrobe needs a classic V-neck dress, and since this London Times pick comes in 20 colors (many of which are shades of primary colors), it's the perfect dress to choose. The twist detail at the waist, ruffled hem skirt and crepe fabric add a bit of style to the refined cut, making it perfect for formal summer events and days at the office.

Merokeety Smocked One Shoulder Sleeveless Knot Midi Dress


Lightweight and breathable, this rayon pick is no ordinary casual dress. The smocked bodice, one shoulder accented with a tie bow, high side slit and tiered ruffled skirt are simply stunning. It's also versatile, as you can throw on a pair of sandals for a bohemian look or add heels and a cute clutch to make it stylish enough for a rehearsal dinner or a co-worker outing. I live for the slot. Excellent value, a buyer shared.

London Times Petite wrap maxi dress with spaghetti straps


Another dress that proves patterns can be fun and formal, this London Times style would make a stunning wedding guest dress. The spaghetti straps are accented by a draped ruffle, while the faux wrap body and high-low maxi skirt add shape to the otherwise flowy dress. The briefs are 100% polyester, while the outer layer is a printed yoryu (lightweight chiffon) that moves beautifully in the wind or simply when you strut.

Vince Camuto – Backless Bow Tie Dress


This sale is a great deal for the famous New York-designed high-end fashion brand, Vince Camuto.

A sophisticated look for a shorter dress, this shift dress with a halter neck and bow tie comes in 13 different colors, including ivory (perfect for a bachelorette party), mustard, and blush. Bolder colors like watermelon, raspberry and kiwi are transparent ways to add personality to the polished look.

Cupshe Women's Lace Maxi Dress Bohemian Style with Tassels


Tassels, lace appliques and flared ruffles make this maxi dress on sale a cute beach outfit or resort outfit for the holidays. The straps are adjustable and the mostly cotton material makes this delicate pattern durable enough to be machine washed. Plus, reviewers vouch that it's not see-through and is extremely lightweight to get you through those really humid summer days.

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