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Leaked iPhone 16 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro photos show Apple and Google need Huawei's camera tech

Leaked iPhone 16 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro photos show Apple and Google need Huawei's camera tech


In case you didn't know, Huawei hasn't given up on making mobile phones.

With or without Google services, Huawei is currently China's fastest-growing phone maker, which means the company has a lot to lose or gain, depending on how you look at it.

Part of Huawei's plan to dominate the saturated Chinese market is to remind its competitors who the real camera king is, or was, and the most interesting new camera feature on the new Huawei Pura 70 Ultra (which we reviewed a while ago) is the retractable camera.

To be honest, when I first saw this new technology, I was intrigued and wondered if Huawei had come up with a revolutionary new zoom technology, or something else entirely.

But in practice, the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra's retractable camera isn't very useful – in fact, it doesn't help improve image quality at all, which is a shame.

So why does it exist? Actually, there's a good reason why it exists, and I think future flagship phones from Google and Apple would do well to take a leaf out of the book.

Leaked photos of the Pixel 9 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max show huge camera bumps – has Huawei found a solution to this design challenge?

iPhone 16 Pro Max dummy unit and iPhone 15 Pro Max (left), Pixel 9 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro (center), and Xiaomi 14 Ultra (right).

What you're looking at are leaked photos of the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro Max and Pixel 9 Pro.

In the case of the iPhone, what we're looking at is a dummy unit, which should be an accurate representation of the actual size of Apple's 2024 premium flagship.

Meanwhile, the Pixel 9 Pro (pictured next to the iPhone 15 Pro) is supposed to be a working smartphone, which is 100% possible since we're talking Google.

Anyway, I don't know what you guys think, but the first thing that surprised me was the new, larger camera bump depicted in the leaked images.

While it's not like the iPhone 15 Pro Max or Pixel 8 Pro have a tiny camera bump, the new camera certainly looks a lot thicker. It's not going to break any records. Just look at the Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

That said, perhaps Apple and Google's new flagships can learn a thing or two from the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, which uses a 1-inch main camera sensor but manages to have a camera island that's 2mm thinner than the Xiaomi 14 Ultra, which also has a 1-inch camera.

Retractable camera technology may not seem essential right now, but as smartphone camera sensors continue to grow (and they undoubtedly will), this could be a way to keep their size down.

I guess the question is how far are companies like Apple, Google, Samsung, etc. willing to go before they start figuring out how to make their flagship smartphones look like smartphones rather than dedicated cameras, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Apple declares war on thick phones with the 2025 iPhone Slim, but is the camera bump here to stay?

The 2024 iPad Pro (right) will be Apple's thinnest product ever. Could the rumored iPhone Slim approach or even surpass 5.1mm?

With all this in mind, you might be surprised to see what Apple reportedly has in store for next year's iPhone 17 series.

Apparently, Apple is working on a slim iPhone 17 model, which would introduce the first full iPhone redesign since the iPhone X and could be the most expensive iPhone ever. Apple's main goal is to make the iPhone Slim noticeably slimmer than the current iPhone.

Keep in mind that these are still early rumors, but it has to be said that this is in line with Cupertino's efforts to make the new iPad Pro ultra-thin, with the iPad Pro 2024 measuring just 5.1 inches thick (the iPhone 15 Pro Max is 8.3 inches).

There's more to the thicker camera bumps on the new iPhone 16 Pro Max and Pixel 9 Pro than meets the eye

Sharp's Japan flagship has a single rear camera, which I like because it looks neat, but it's not a particularly sharp marketing move on Sharp's part – they should add at least four more holes.

After all, no one wants a big protrusion on the back of their phone – it makes the device harder to hold and makes the phone more likely to be top-heavy and easier to drop.

But phones with giant camera bumps have one intangible advantage: they're effective in marketing camera-centric flagships — that is, all new flagship phones.

It might seem odd, but budget $200 phones often have 3-5 cameras on the back, and while they look professional and appear to have better cameras than they actually have, in reality 9/10 times the extra cameras are barely useful 2-5MP macro/ToF sensors.

There's also a user expectation that a new $1000 phone should have an intimidating camera that's visually bigger/better than before. If you show them a $1000 flagship phone with only one camera (like Sharp's latest flagship for Japan), they might think you're trying to sell them a phone from 2015.

So I think the big, intimidating camera bump is here to stay for the time being, but an influential phone maker like Apple has the power to change that. Could the rumored iPhone Slim bring about that change?




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