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Why Men's Wearhouse Stock Was Crushed

Why Men's Wearhouse Stock Was Crushed


While we don't believe in timing the market or panicking over its movements, we like to keep an eye out for big changes, just in case they are important to our investment thesis.

What: Men's clothing retailer shares Men's clothes (New York : MW) looked unfashionable today as investors divested their shares by as much as 19% in intraday trading after the company reported its first quarter results.

So what: You don't have to look far to understand why investors are so unhappy with the quarterly report. For the first time in more than two years, the company's earnings per share fell short of analyst estimates, coming in at $0.52 versus $0.55 expected. Worse, the company's outlook was bleaker than expected, as it reported that second-quarter earnings per share would likely be between $1.12 and $1.13, instead of the $1.22 Wall had hoped for. Street.

Now what: The company blamed the poor quarterly performance and weak guidance for the coming quarter on slower sales of corporate uniforms in the UK compared to 2011. It expects some of its activities improve during the second half of the year.

It really wasn't a good quarter for Men's Wearhouse as a whole, as sales increased 1.1% and profits fell 3.5% compared to last year. However, the company still expects full-year EPS growth of 13-17% – between $2.70 and $2.78 – and the stock currently trades at around 10.5 times the midpoint of this forecast. With that in mind, this may be a title to at least have on your radar.

Want to stay up to date on Men's Wearhouse?Add it to your watchlist.

At the time Thisthe article was published Try One of Our Insane Newsletter Services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a broad range of viewpoints makes us better investors.Idiot Contributor Matt Koppenheffer has no financial interest in any of the companies mentioned. You can check what Matt is monitoring by visiting his CAPS Walletor you can follow Matt on Twitter @KoppTheFool Or Facebook. Crazypeople disclosure policy prefers dividends rather than a sharp stick in the eye.

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