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Olivia Munn, 43, steps out in a backless dress on the Kelly Clarkson show while opening up about her battle with cancer

Olivia Munn, 43, steps out in a backless dress on the Kelly Clarkson show while opening up about her battle with cancer
Olivia Munn, 43, steps out in a backless dress on the Kelly Clarkson show while opening up about her battle with cancer


Olivia Munn Appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show in a fiery backless dress on May 21 and shared the candid details about his recent battle with cancer.

The press room The 43-year-old actress wore an orange satin dress featuring a multi-colored skirt showcasing her sculpted figure.

During her segment on the talk show, Munn explained how her life changed when she got the Luminal B Breast Cancer diagnosis from a doctor, whom she calls her “guardian angel”, during a routine examination.

Olivia Munn shines in a backless orange satin dress at the Kelly Clarkson show

To complete its look, the X-Men actress wore her hair parted to the side and styled in effortless loose waves.

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Olivia Munn arrives at the Kelly Clarkson show in an orange backless dress

Weiss Eubanks/NBCUniversal

For her makeup, Munn wore black liner, smoky gray eyeshadow, voluminous lashes, radiant pink blush, and dark '90s mauve lipstick.

Munn's summer dress featured a waist-cinching design and an ankle-length skirt that she paired with gold mules from Maison Ernest.

Olivia Munn in an orange backless dress with Kelly Clarkson in a green jumpsuit at the Kelly Clarkson show

Weiss Eubanks/NBCUniversal

Olivia Munn opens up about her battle with cancer in an interview with Kelly Clarkson

Munn spoke candidly about his health issue and cancer diagnosis while chatting with the show's host, Kelly Clarkson.

THE Roll Along 2 one alumna told Clarkson, 42, that her doctors discovered numerous cancerous lumps in her right breast in April 2023 and were honest with her about the difficult time she was about to go through.

Munn revealed that her doctor told her, “I wanted you to come see me in the office because I wanted to look you in the eye and tell you that you're too young to have this much breast cancer.” »

She went on to quote her doctor on the show: “You have a baby at home, and I need you to be aggressive because one of them is right on your lymph nodes and we need to act fast .”

Munn said she felt “debilitating exhaustion” during treatment and chose to document it, for a very specific reason.

“Well, because if I didn’t make it, I wanted my son, when he was older, to know that I fought to be here,” Munn said. “That I did my best.”

Kelly Clarkson talks to Olivia Munn on the Kelly Clarkson show

Weiss Eubanks/NBCUniversal

Since her diagnosis, Munn has undergone a double mastectomy, hysterectomy and oophorectomy. The actress who starred in New girl also underwent medically induced menopause.

Munn shared that she underwent an egg retrieval process before the procedures. This, she stressed, was because she and her partner, John Mulaney still hope to have another child to accompany their first son, Malcolm.

“We just want one more,” Munn said on Hello America, last week. “I’m not going to ask for too much in this life, I promise. I just want one more baby.

The mother of one touched fans' hearts on Tuesday, while looking more beautiful than ever. Munn sharing a clip of her Kelly Clarkson Show appearance this week on Instagram, and many fans praised both her outfit and her poignant words in the comments section.

” Thank you for sharing ! Normalize this topic,” one wrote while another added: “Olivia, you are a beautiful person inside and out.” Someone else agreed, commenting: “This was such a great interview. Thank you for sharing your story.”




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