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Summer work outfits that will match any office dress code

Summer work outfits that will match any office dress code


Designing a summer work outfit takes a lot of thought. Because, well, you know how it goes: one minute you're carrying your heavy tote on your way to the train or car, while the next you're sitting at your desk, shivering from the air conditioner blowing breath. Quite a clothing challenge, right? Luckily, with a few expert tips and foolproof product suggestions, it's entirely possible to look business chic while dressing appropriately for inconsistent temperatures.

Argent Founder and CEO Sally ChristesonThe first tip is to look for materials suitable for summer. Seasonless wool is a signature fabric in the Argent collection, making them great workwear options all year round, including summer, the expert tells TZR, referring to its one button blazers and coordination Large pants. Plus, personal stylist Cardinal Elizabeth Tamkin highlights linen and cotton as warm-weather approved styles. These are great choices for work outfits, offering both comfort and quality, notes the style guru. And if you feel cold once near the air conditioning, simply wrap yourself in a soft cashmere cardigan.

Now, when it comes to specific pieces, Christeson suggests a vest of the moment. It's a great way to wear sleeveless on warmer days and still feel put-together and office-appropriate, she explains. A flowy, breathable button-up is also a smart choice in the summer heat. You can find a ton of vintage linen versions on Etsy, Cardinal Tamkin says of the look. Then, for the bottom half of your work ensemble, consider pleated long shorts, like Argents. pair in impeccable cotton twill. They look polished without showing too much leg or feeling disreputable, Christeson adds.

For more summer office outfit ideas, scroll ahead to browse five must-have formulas.

Put on your outfits

As Christeson mentions above, knee-length shorts are chic and HR-friendly, two qualities that are essential to a good 9-to-5 outfit. Style tip: Throw the blazer into a roomy tote while you're still out and about, then once you're at the office, layer it over a demure blouse. As for shoes, stay comfortable in a chunky moccasin.

Stick to the classics

If your office doesn't have a strict dress code, you can probably get away with wearing a pair of straight-leg jeans. To spruce up the casual bottom, opt for a versatile and always-on-trend striped button-up. Add even more sophistication to your outfit with a delicate diamond necklace and elegant ballet flats.

Play with prints

Don't be afraid to experiment a little with the style of your summer office. For example, throw on an eye-catching printed midi skirt, like this plaid look from Realization Par. Make her the star of the show by then relying on wardrobe basics, like a white tie-front blouse and knee-high leather boots (or some type of flat, if the forecast is extremely hot).

Be consistent

I firmly believe that every woman should have a go-to midi dress (preferably with pockets!) in her wardrobe, says Christeson. And if this dress is sleeveless, consider covering your shoulders with a matching cropped cardigan. Then all you're left with are your accessories, maybe, say, a crystal-encrusted kitten heel?

Try an Emerging Trend

While some summer trends may raise eyebrows in HR (looking at you, hot pants), capris won't. In fact, the silhouette, especially in a polished neutral shade, is perfect for your 9 to 5 look. And the bottom will look great when paired with a unique blazer, like this fitted iteration from Givenchy seen on influencer Cass Dimicco. Complete the look with high-shine pumps and your everyday jewelry.




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