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Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez and more stars continue to wear floral dresses

Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez and more stars continue to wear floral dresses


One after another, floral dresses grow like weeds. But not in a boring way, we just mean they're thriving right now.

Pretty prints are taking over valuable real estate in the closets of Jennifer Aniston, Mindy Kaling and other Hollywood stars. In fact, the impression is SO perfect for this time of year where Aniston owns two colors of Reformation's Kourtney dress, while Kaling tried the trend with puff-sleeve and off-the-shoulder choices. Jennifer Lopez, Reese Witherspoon and Meryl Streep also displayed flowers.

Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Warner Bros.

Flowers make any item of clothing a little more summer-ready. And dresses, in general, offer a clean cut and a constant breeze, and they feel like the closest thing to feminine. The Bridgerton Chronicles dresses IRL. (By the way, the second half of season 3 was just released.)

Celebrity-Inspired Floral Dresses

Lulus Remarkable Entry Navy Floral-Print Satin Midi Dress


To make a statement wherever you go, this Lulus dress has you covered: the bold print is visually exciting, but not overwhelming, and the material has a satin sheen that catches the light. The thin straps and the slit on one side are also two details that Anistons dresses have.

If you're going to an outside event during a hot, humid summer, this dress is for you, one shopper said. It is very light and breathable, almost resembling that of a slip dress.

Beauden Reformation Dress


If you don't want to pay $278, but still want to wear a brand worn by celebrities Taylor Swift, Sarah Jessica Parker and Blake Lively, know that this Reformation Beauden dress exists. It's $100 less and has a midi length like Aniston and Kalings, plus thicker straps for extra support. Choose from sizes XS to XL, as well as other pretty prints, like polka dots, which are also on trend.

Amazon Essentials Surplice Dress


This Amazon Essentials Surplice Dress is a mini option that has a looser drape around the tummy and waist. A buyer, who wears it in black, said it was comfortable, versatile and flattering, and added that he wore it to dinner, to hotels and over a swimsuit while on vacation. Get one that looks like a green garden for $24 and coordinate the look with white sneakers or a braided block heel for a dressy dinner.

Keep scrolling to shop more celebrity-inspired floral dresses now.

Showpo – Lorie long dress


Anrabess V-Neck Floral Maxi Dress


Long velvet dress with ruffles and backless

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Old Navy crepe fit and flare midi dress

Old Navy

Prettygarden Tie Belt Maxi Dress, $44 with coupon


Blu Pepper Floral Tiered Midi Dress

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