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Tony's Red Carpet Looks: Angelina Jolie, Brooke Shields and More

Tony's Red Carpet Looks: Angelina Jolie, Brooke Shields and More


Broadway's biggest stars descended on Manhattan's Lincoln Center on Sunday for the Tony Awards, an annual celebration of all the cast, crew and creatives who make live theater the spectacle that it is. Since many attendees spend most of the week in costumes, the Tonys were also an opportunity to dress up and show off your personal style.

The red carpet, technically a shade of blue, was filled with stars, a reflection of the star-studded productions that have recently gone over Broadway. Alicia Keys, Jay-Z, Sarah Paulson, Billy Porter and Nicole Scherzinger were among the celebrities who graced the awards show this year.

Purple could have been the color of the evening, with several attendees incorporating shades of it into their ensembles. Both men and women adopted bows, which appeared around the necks of some and on the shoulders or waists of others. Of all the outfits, the following 17 stand out the most, for better or worse.

Instead of a shirt, the actress, star of the play Appropriate, wore a silver necklace under her elegant Saint Laurent tuxedo jacket.

The actress, who recently underwent foot surgery, wore a pair of casual yellow Crocs to match her Monique Lhuillier dress.

Some might say the Oscar de la Renta dress worn by the actress and Tony host, which had a stained glass pattern like the one on the dress Lauren Sanchez wore to the Met Gala. did the thing.

The actor, a star of An Enemy of the People, opted for a softer evening outfit by pairing a Western-inspired ribbon tie with a velvety Loro Piana jacket in a shade of dark brown, his color. known to promote.

The Mary Jane actress arrived at the Tonys' in the arms of her parents, whose outfits complimented the palette of Ms. McAdams' silver and black Givenchy dress.

Although Ms. Erivo will play the role of the witch Elphaba in the upcoming film adaptation of Wickedher shimmering gold Louis Vuitton dress evoked the glittering style of Glinda, Elphaba's rival-turned-friend.

The daughter and mother, who were both part of the production team for The Outsiders, were in sync in style on the carpet. Ms. Jolie chose an Atelier Versace velvet dress in a teal hue that contrasted well with her daughter's darker, menswear-inspired ensemble.

As the star of the Cabaret revival, the actor helped bring a dose of 1930s Berlin to Broadway. At the Tonys, his Simone Rocha suit with a cape-style jacket evoked the outfit of another German export: actress Marlene Dietrich.

A pair of opera-length gloves that seemed appropriate for the theatrical occasion enhanced the stunning character of the actress's fitted Harris Reed dress.

Traces of the McDonald's mascot whose purple face recently inspired milkshakes and shoes could be detected in the eggplant Todd Snyder tuxedo worn by Mr. Radcliffe, a star of Merrily We Roll Along.

The casual style with which the actress wore her double-breasted Louis Vuitton suit with subtle patterns made the outfit even more eye-catching.

The actress, star of Cabaret, was far from the only one to walk the carpet wearing sunglasses. But her nonchalant pairing of oversized sunglasses with a bodycon dress and red wedge heels gave her a certain rock star quality.

Ms. Mathis, the hair and wig designer for the Jajas African Hair Braiding piece, wore an hourglass-shaped mini dress by designer Angel Ayala that featured several intricate details, including a flowing cape with floral embellishments lined inside . with red and green printed textiles.

In a dark Tanner Fletcher suit with a ruffled bow tie, Mr. Butler, the play's songwriter Stereophonic, channeled Fleetwood Mac co-founder Mick Fleetwood, whose band inspired the show.

Anthony Rotunno and Madison Malone Kircher contributed reporting.




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