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On Thursday we wear beautiful summer dresses

On Thursday we wear beautiful summer dresses


Sponsored by Saks Fifth Avenue

Every summer I treat myself to an absolutely fabulous dress.

A stunning, well-designed, star quality summer dress that is so WILDY good it can't sit in my closet waiting to be invited to a wedding. A dress to wear for anything and everything… for every occasion (even on Thursdays).

A dress that I definitely don’t keep “just for a special gift”.

ALC Tate Dress

dress (6) | bag | sandals | sunglasses | earings

Don't save that summer dress just for weddings

ALC cotton summer dressALC cotton summer dress

dress (6) | bag | sandals | sunglasses | earings

Add heels, pretty jewelry and a chic bag and this dress is obviously ideal for summer weddings and special events. Elegant, romantic and quite special.

However, I truly believe in dresses like this YEARS we're way too charming to save ONLY for weddings and special events. MUCH more fun to just wear the really pretty dress at all times…and not be too precious about it.

Strapless cotton dressStrapless cotton dress

dress (6) | bag | sandals | sunglasses | earings

I've found the secret to truly special dresses, which are also versatile enough to be worn 'casually', is the balance between material and design.

This YEARS The dress is designed with a dramatic, romantic shape (cinched waist, big spin-worthy skirt, strapless), giving it that “super special” and “fabulous” quality that makes it extremely fun to wear. BUT it's made from 100% cotton, which makes it a little more accessible to wear regularly (not just for special occasions).

ALC Strapless Tate DressALC Strapless Tate Dress

dress (6) | bag | sandals | sunglasses | earings

Add one large woven bag And chic flat slides Or pretty sporty sneakers and you're ready to explore, celebrate or meet friends or whatever you decide to do while looking fabulous.

I have an old ALC floral dress that I bought several years ago and wore to 3 Bar Mitvahs, a rooftop birthday party, a school auction, several parties in lovers, tons of vacation outings, brunches, art galleries, cafes… and so much more. I don't think I will EVER get tired of wearing it.

ALC summer dressALC summer dress

dress (6) | bag | sandals | sunglasses | earings

THE ALC Tate Dress is 100% cotton, has a gathered bodice, an eye-catching print and pockets. Yeah for the pockets… always.

Sizing Notes: I'm wearing a size 6 here and am happy with the fit. There is a little extra room in the top of the dress, so I maybe could have gone down to a 4, but the structure of the dress holds the top up extremely well and I didn't want it to be too tight. For reference, I am small busted (32 B), 5'2, 140 lbs, with curvy hips.

Shop more great cotton summer dresses

Saks is often my go-to for looking for special pieces in general, but they really excel with their fabulous selection of dresses. I actually found 2 amazing splurge-worthy dresses this summer, but unfortunately the Line one below is out of print. I'll keep an eye out for restocks and also link to similar products in black and navy cotton. Lots of beautiful cotton floral options too.

dress(s) | bag | sandals | sunglasses | earings

More Black/Navy Cotton Summer Dresses

More floral cotton summer dresses

So much for wearing your prettiest summer dress all summer long. Enjoy!


Thank you, Saks, for sponsoring this post. It truly is SO nice to shop at Saks and incorporate your beautiful pieces into my wardrobe. Saks always has SUCH a great selection of special dresses. And thank you, TME readers, for your time and support. It is so appreciated.

Photo credits : Redfield Photography




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