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Gucci, Fendi, Santoni and many other spring 2025 men's shows to know from Pitti Uomo!

Gucci, Fendi, Santoni and many other spring 2025 men's shows to know from Pitti Uomo!


Men's fashion is undergoing bold changes, as evidenced by Pitti Uomo's spring 2025 menswear shows. The week's fashion lineup included new collections from major brands including Gucci, Santoni, Fendi, Dunhill, and more. Below, we take a look at the best Italian collections that are setting the tone for men's fashion right now.


Sabato De Sarno's latest menswear collection for Gucci is inspired by chance encounters, whether on city streets or by the ocean. This resulted in a range of sophisticated pieces including single-breasted suits, long coats, bowling shirts, shorts and double-breasted and zipped jackets. A retro feel emerged from a palette of electric green, brown, lavender, ice blue and dark red, as well as accents such as printed stripes, floral patterns and palette embroidery. The range was complemented by a stylish range of Horsebit loafers and boots, archival-inspired Gucci sneakers and luggage, as well as the new Gucci B bag in soft, padded leather.

All images: Courtesy of Gucci


Fendi has set to work for spring 2025, launching a new range of menswear in line with the heyday of workwear. Trench coats, collared shirts, boxy shirts, long-sleeved polo shirts and tailored pants appeared in frosty mint, pale beige and olive tones. Pops of multi-colored plaid stripes added a preppy touch to the ensemble of outerwear, pants, ties and knits. Silvia Venturini Fendi has also embraced accessories for the man on the move, seen in a range of large tote bags, shoulder bags and dark sunglasses, many of which are accented with a new house crest .

All images: Courtesy of Fendi


Canali's spring 2025 menswear embraces lakeside leisure and refined ease. Inspired by leisurely vacation moments dining on the water on the shore, the Deck Walk collection featured wearable pieces combining casual luxury and sharp tailoring. Lightness takes precedence, from airy jackets to suits with hollow interfaces that maintain a clean silhouette. This same know-how is found in unlined wool and linen shirts, jackets and blazers with invisible seams, evoking the elegance of a lakeside mansion. The soft, earthy color palette was complemented by similarly toned accessories, including raffia caps, leather slip-ons and smooth open-toe sandals.

All images: Courtesy of Canali


Santoni's new 'Light and Shadow' menswear collection paid homage to Sibylline's sunny coasts, towns and hills. For spring 2025, the brand embraced the power of dreams with a saturated color palette of brown, blue, beige and smoky beige, seen on breezy suits, collared shirts and co-ords. Similar natural tones were highlighted in its wide assortment of footwear, including the new pointed Bounce sneakers, the 70s-inspired DBS Zoom sneakers and the chunky DBS Oly Cube sneakers. Iconic styles like double-buckle brogues and suede Carlo loafers have also been updated in new hues, complemented by its latest glossy leather briefcases and travel bags.

All images: Courtesy of Santoni


Simon Holloway took inspiration from leisure, travel and the 1920s for spring 2025, as seen in his latest range for Dunhill. Tailored shirts, suits, waterproof driving jackets, cable and zip sweaters and car coats are made with lightweight fabrics in sophisticated shades of brown, gray, khaki, dark green, red, ivory and navy blue . For added sophistication, the range is accented with classic window panes, checks, pinstripes and herringbone patterns for a sharp approach to today's dressing. Dunhill also accessorized its gentlemen with smooth leather weekenders, briefcases, driving gloves and pewter-handled umbrellas for a stylish finish.

“These are not basic clothes for going to the office,” Holloway said. “These are clothes for pleasure, for a life well lived.”

All images: Courtesy of Dunhill

Additional reporting by Moriel Mizrahi.

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