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Why did a bride's mother throw wine on a guest's non-white dress?


According to experts, wearing white to a wedding is one of the worst things a person can do.

Anthony Navarro, creative director of Liven It Up Events, said The knot that it's an “unspoken rule” that guests shouldn't wear white to a wedding, said wedding planner Brandi Hamerstone. Martha Stewart this white is “his color of the day”. “

“You don’t want to stand next to the bride and look like you want to look bridal on someone else’s day,” she said. “Even if it wasn't your intention, that's what people (and maybe the bride) will think, and who wants to be 'that' person?”

But as cardinal as it is, does that really justify giving someone a round of wine? TikTok content creator Sylvia Gordon went viral after sharing the mother of the bride's reaction to her daughter's wedding outfit.

“A targeted blow”

Her daughter, she says, went with her boyfriend to a wedding where she knew no one.

“At the wedding, the mother of the bride walks past with a full glass of wine, throws it on my daughter's dress and continues walking without saying a word. This was obviously a targeted hit,” she said.

This, she added, made her daughter cry and, to make her feel better, the boyfriend poured wine down her shirt.


Generation X, am I right?

original sound – Sylvia Gordon | Medicare Mom

“Now, my friend, this is where our generation would have handled the situation differently,” she added. “Am I wrong? I'm not condoning violence, but I'm saying my generation wouldn't have poured that drink down their own shirt. I'm very confused about this new generation.

In the comments, many wondered if there was more to the story and speculated that the girl was wearing white. So in a later video. Sylvia showed a photo of the offending dress, which was a dark gold color.


It must be mistaken identity BUT that's still not a good way to handle a situation, especially at a wedding!

original sound – Sylvia Gordon | Medicare Mom

“They never told the couple because the couple is nice and they don’t want the couple to know,” she said. “Why tell the couple that she’s your mother’s psychopath?” If the mother is a psychopath, the daughter probably already knows it. Why embarrass them?

TikTokers also shared their own wedding dramas in the comments.

“The same thing happened to me but I wore sage green,” one of them recalled. “I matched her energy and poured my drink all over her dress.”

While another said: “Someone wore a yellow dress to my wedding and several people asked me about it later, saying she wore white. Why can't people tell the difference? »

Sylvia did not immediately respond to The Daily Dot's request for comment via TikTok comment and Instagram direct message.

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Charlotte Colombo

Charlotte is a regular contributor to the Daily Dot with bylines in Insider, VICE, Glamour, The Independent and more. She holds an MA in Magazine Journalism from City, University of London.

Charlotte Colombo




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