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She Puts the P in Pretty: 5 of Porsha Williams' Best Fashion Looks

She Puts the P in Pretty: 5 of Porsha Williams' Best Fashion Looks


Since joining the cast of “Real Housewives of Atlanta” in 2012, Porsha Williams has been an integral part of popular culture. Her quick comebacks and sense of humor made her an immediate fan favorite. However, she is much more than a reality TV star. Porsha Williams' best fashion looks have made her one of the hottest Housewives in the Bravo Universe.

As one of the youngest members of the “Housewives” cast, Williams wasn't afraid to try new fashion trends. Her casual style paved the way for fashion statements on “RHOA” and other “Housewives” franchises. In honor of her 43rd birthday, celebrated on June 22, 2024, here are five of Porsha Williams' best fashion looks!

1. Picnic of Souls 2024

Credit: Photos by Derek White/Getty Images

Ms. Porsha gave new meaning to the coveted sundress look after stepping out in this issue! In May 2024, Williams attended Soul Picnic in a backless floral print dress that showed off her curvaceous physique. The pink number was paired with her signature black hair, mid-part and nude heels, proving that her casual-chic looks are always a hit.

2. Kenya Moore Hair Spa Grand Opening

Credit: Photo by Prince Williams/WireImage

It seems that h–l has frozen! Williams and Kenya Moore put their drama aside just in time for the upcoming season of “RHOA!” The mother-of-one attended the grand opening of Moore's new spa in a stunning black backless mini dress with floral detailing. The beauty teamed the dress with gold earrings, pink heels and a pink clutch, for a Barbie-inspired finish. If you like this dress,Everyday fashion bombsays it can be yours for $170.

3. BET+ “The Deadly Getaway” Atlanta Premiere

Credit: Photos by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for BET+

Many of Williams' best fashion moments have her dubbed the queen of simple yet effective style. While attending the premiere of “The Deadly Getaway,” the reality star wore a gold silk button-down dress with a soft glam beat. She paired the dress with a studded acrylic handbag for a chic and trendy finish.

4. Premiere of “Single without Search”

Credit: Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images

In 2022, Williams attended a movie event in this stunning jumpsuit. The pink and orange ensemble was perfectly suited to her curves and paired with simple silver jewelry. She accessorized the outfit with orange shoes and a studded clutch. The star finished her look with a soft-glam beauty and silky jet-black tresses.

5. Pink prices 2023

Credit: Photos by Derek White/Getty Images

Even when she's working for a cause, Williams is fashionable! According to BravoTV, The “RHOA” star attended the 2023 Pink Awards in a black Alexander Wang blazer dress and conservative low ponytail. The unique dress was paired with black strappy heels and bejeweled floral earrings, making this outfit one of Williams' best fashion looks.

Although she rose to fame through her time on television, Williams has extended her influence to many industries, led by fashion. She is known for maintaining her modesty (when necessary) while still being stylish, trendy and beautiful.

Happy birthday Porcha!

Which of Porsha Williams' best fashion looks is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.

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