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Caitlin Clark epitomizes preppy chic in a white mini dress

Caitlin Clark epitomizes preppy chic in a white mini dress


Caitlin Clark hasn't just made waves as a WNBA All-Star, she's also turned heads with her chic pregame looks. The Indiana Fever guard has often sported designer combos like sweatpants with Gucci bags, but on Sunday, June 30, she arrived at the Footprint Center in Phoenix with a different vibe, an all-white preppy look that could even be office casual.

Caitlin Clarks Light Summer Look

Entering the arena before the Indiana Fever vs. Phoenix Mercury game, Clark was all smiles as she wore a white mini blazer dress by Veronica Beard, which features double-breasted tortoiseshell buttons and a halter neckline with lapels. sells at retail on the site for $498. The WNBA star kept things monochrome with a pair of white Stuart Weitzman moccasins Currently on sale for $249 on Farfetch, the shoes feature almond brown trim that pairs perfectly with the dress’s buttons. Accessories-wise, Clark carried a cream bag with gold hardware and contrasting silver jewelry.

Caitlin Clark's Pre-Game Style

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON - JUNE 27: Caitlin Clark #22 of the Indiana Fever arrives before the game against...

Steph Chambers/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images

During his first two months in the professional league, Clark's style flourished, often erring on the side of simple, sporty, and minimalist, with reliable formulas like monochrome outfits often appearing in his looks. Before the Indiana Fever vs. Atlanta Dream game earlier this month, she wore a simple plum tube top with a pair of Nike Dunk sneakers, and she stepped out in Seattle on Thursday in another silky chocolate brown tube top ensemble paired with more coordination. Nike Dunks. Clark is also no stranger to designer brands she often sees sporting high-end brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Fendi and Prada, especially in her bag collection.

Indiana Fever vs. Phoenix Mercury

PHOENIX, ARIZONA - JUNE 30: Center Brittney Griner #42 of the Phoenix Mercury hugs guard Caitlin Cla...

Chris Coduto/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images

This game was another career highlight for Clark, who defeated the Indiana Fevers record for assists to a rookie in a single season in just 20 games. It was no small feat, the Phoenix Mercury are one of the most remarkable teams in the WNBA, with three championships and stars like Brittney Griner and 20-year player Diana Taurasi. It was a heated game, but the Indiana Fever outstripped another victory, marking another major milestone in the Indiana Fevers' record this season.

It's the hottest ticket in Phoenix since [Megan] you Stallion played here, the WNBA commentator joked ahead of the game.




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