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Do you like retro fashion? Here are some stylish selections to channel your inner Twiggy and Jackie O

Do you like retro fashion?  Here are some stylish selections to channel your inner Twiggy and Jackie O



Calling all Twiggy admirers, Sharon Tate and Jackie O, channel the stylish eras of the past and the glamorous women who made their way through them, with these retro fashion selections. Expect halter neck dresses, floral prints, and platforms galore to meet all of your ’60s and’ 70s style needs.

Daisy dress by Mirae: The cutest mini-dresses from the French brand Mirae. This pink, red, orange and yellow floral dress is printed with sequins and features an open back and a retro open back. Only 15 of these dresses were made, so they are also very exclusive.

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Squarit Pm Grained Fuxia by Michino Paris: This candy pink mini square bag is made from smooth grained calfskin. Not only does it carry a classic top handle, but also a practical removable shoulder strap.

Long-sleeved shirt dress with front button placket by BURU: Made in the USA, this pale pink Oxford cotton shirtdress features tiny pleats below the waist, hip pockets and hidden buttons. Wear for a stylish and easy-to-wear look, this is oh-so-Jackie O.

Jasmine short dress by Stine Goya: Presented by the Copenhagen-based brand, Stine Goya is this gorgeous multicolored dress. The ruffled dress features a ruffled neckline and pairs pale pink with fluffy yellow and olive green in a shimmering material that will catch the summer sun.

FF square acetate sunglasses by Fendi: The Italian fashion house paired oversized square frames with orange and pale pink acetate and brown tinted lenses. They are printed with the iconic and very retro FF logo, born in 1965.

Malone Souliers Mila 125 Leather Platform Sandals: Classic platform sandals from London-based shoe brand Souliers, they’re crafted from pastel blue crocodile-print leather, accented with tone-on-tone plain leather.

Mini dress by Gucci: Straight from the Gucci Pre-Fall 2020 collection, this is a classic fit and flare dress in baby blue that exudes 60s appeal.

Lescarf striped silk twill n ° 25 scarf: Oh my, this silky scarf from Lescalf is ultra chic and will add a bit of shishi to an outfit. Cut into a square, the body is powder blue and paired with clean white stripes. Tie a knot and go.

Saint Laurent Sue chain-embellished leather sandals: Crafted in Italy from a white snake-effect leather, these sandals feature a wrap-around ankle strap and chain drape.

Belted double-breasted wool-blend coat by REDValentino: A timeless piece from Valentinos’ little sister, this ivory double-breasted coat features gold buttons and a slim belt.

Buckle Bracelet by Corey Moranis: Made from transparent lucite in Toronto, this elegant bracelet. The detail comes in the form of the spiral-inspired scribble on a Greek column.

Holli Vienna handbag by Rosantica: The woven rattan is studded with glittering studs, and there’s more textural detail thanks to the interior drawstring silk handbag and oversized pearl crystal handle.

Gold Gingko Earrings by Apples & Figs: This London-based jewelry brand constantly takes inspiration from the iconic ’60s brand, Biba, and cues these on-trend earrings. Here, 24 karat vermeil sterling silver has been combined with crystals to form these ginkgo leaves.

Short satin dress with sequined bow by Giuseppe di Morabito: Channel your inner Whitney Houston with this white satin dress, and of course, it can’t be missed, the oversized black bow that is adorned with sequins. Monochrome at its best, this is a trendy little evening dress from young designer Giuseppe di Morabito.

Baker Boy cap in wool and vinyl felt by Ruslan Baginskiy: A classic style of baker’s hat, they were first worn in 1920, but town girls adopted the hat in the 60s and they’ve been popular ever since. This one combines felted wool with a shiny coated canvas and the signature embroidered red RB logo.

Mary Jane Camparicaro Pumps Black 105 by Manolo Blahnik X Browns 50: Celebrate Browns’ 50th anniversary in style with this pair of Mary Jane pumps with Manolo Blahnik. They are made in Italy from black satin covered leather and white satin trim. And a Manolo wouldn’t be a Manolo without the flared stiletto heel, and this one measures 105mm.

Karen Millen Multi-Stitch Leather Snap Button Mini Skirt: A timeless piece, this black leather A-line skirt features silver press studs on the front. This item just asks for a turtleneck, polka dot tights and a pair of moccasins.

Kate Ashleigh Sunglasses by Vera Wang: Vera Wang doesn’t just make the bride, she also offers a range of glasses, from optics to sunglasses that recall the glamor of yesteryear. Cue the Kate Ashleigh model in black crystal which takes on a classic 50s shape in black, with a clear border (think of the Pink Ladies in Fat). This style is also available in a crystal red and walnut blush berry.

Ultralight cashmere turtleneck by Falconeri: A classic fitted turtleneck sweater, it’s made from their super-light 100% cashmere, making it a great transitional piece.

Macro Flock Polka Dot Tights by Calzedonia: Polka dot tights are a classic and should be a wardrobe staple. The ones from Calzedonia do the trick very well, and they have other versions with smaller dots if that’s more your style.

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