China snubs senior US official in deepening diplomatic standoff

Beijing has snubbed the United States by refusing to grant Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman a meeting with her counterpart during a planned visit to China that would have been the first high-level engagement since acrimonious talks in Alaska.
The United States has suspended plans for Sherman to visit Tianjin after China refused to agree to a meeting with Le Yucheng, its counterpart, according to four people familiar with the decision. China has proposed a meeting with Xie Feng, the fifth foreign ministry official responsible for US affairs.
The Biden administration had negotiated what would have been the first high-level engagement since their first meeting in Alaska, which erupted into a public feud between Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, and Yang Jiechi, the top official in the United States. Chinese foreign policy.
Although the State Department had not announced that Sherman would be visiting China, she had planned to visit after a trip to Japan, South Korea and Mongolia.
The Chinese snub follows a similar standoff between the armies of the two countries. Earlier this year, China rejected several requests for Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defense, to meet with General Xu Qiliang, China’s top military official. But China refused to engage, after having previously proposed a meeting with the Minister of Defense, who is less high in its system.
Evan Medeiros, an expert on China at Georgetown University, said China was “playing games” since the history of diplomatic meetings made it clear that Sherman was due to meet Le, the Foreign Ministry’s second official.
“China’s decision is dangerous. This increases mistrust, tension and the risk of miscalculation during an already difficult time, ”said Medeiros.
China had initially suggested that Sherman could also hold a video call with Wang Yi, China’s Foreign Minister, during his visit to Tianjin.
Last month, Kurt Campbell, the top White House official in Asia, said the United States was frustrated that China had refused to hold meetings with officials close to Xi Jinping. He said that even Yang and Wang were “far from within a hundred miles” of the Chinese president’s inner circle of trusted advisers.
The stalemate comes four months after the Alaska meeting, which also ended on an acrimonious note. At the end of the two-day meeting, Yang told Blinken privately that he would welcome a follow-up meeting in China, to which the secretary of state said “thank you.” When Yang asked if that meant he would come, Blinken replied “thank you, it’s thank you” making it clear that the United States was not ready for another meeting that angered China.
“Maybe they’re trying to punish the United States for disrespecting Anchorage,” said Bonnie Glaser, a Chinese expert at the German Marshall Fund. “Or maybe Beijing just tests the Biden administration and eventually nominates a higher-level Foreign Ministry official and the visit could be added to Sherman’s itinerary.”
Ryan Hass, a former Chinese State Department expert now at the Brookings Institution, said it was “common” for the United States and China to engage in protocol haggling at the start of a news story. administration in Washington.
“New US officials generally want to protect the level of protocol to which their office has historically been received by Chinese authorities, and vice versa,” Hass said. “These types of protocol drafts are often, but not always, resolved on their own when the senior official arrives.”
A senior State Department official said the United States will continue to “explore opportunities” to hire Chinese officials. “As with all overseas travel, we only make announcements once – and if – we determine that a visit has the potential to be substantial and constructive for our purposes.”
The United States saw Sherman’s visit as a possible stepping stone to a visit to China by Blinken that would pave the way for President Joe Biden for his first meeting with Xi at the G20 summit in Italy in October.
The Chinese Embassy did not respond to a request for comment.
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