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PPP and PTI leaders exchange criticism of imposing lockdown in Karachi – Pakistan

PPP and PTI leaders exchange criticism of imposing lockdown in Karachi – Pakistan



PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Saturday blasted the government for its criticism of the Sindh lockdown, saying Prime Minister Imran Khan and his ministers would be responsible if the Covid situation in Karachi became similar to that of the India.

“If the coronavirus spreads in the province or in Karachi like [it did] in India, then Khan Sahab and his ministers will be responsible, ”he said at a press conference in Islamabad.

The PPP chairman said the current back and forth sends a message of “not one but two Pakistanis” and pointed to the blockages imposed by the PTI government on various towns in Punjab following the increase in cases.

“They are undermining our efforts as in Karachi, the country’s largest economic capital, the positivity rate is over 30%,” he said.

Bilawal said the Delta variant was “100% more contagious” than the original virus, adding that it was the federal government’s responsibility to take care of every citizen. “Instead of looking after us […] we are called jahil (illiterate). “

Bilawal hit back at the government for its cavalier attitude, adding that it shows the government wants to politicize all issues, including people’s health and lives. “They aren’t ready to do anything themselves and won’t let anyone else do anything.”

Bilawal said if government ministers were not happy with the policies the province had adopted, they should have “kept quiet” and tried to help. “Instead, they are sabotaging the measures taken by the Sindh government to protect the people.”

He said the federal government had access to and reviewed the same data available with the Sindh government, including the extent of the disease’s spread in Karachi.

“They knew that the Sindh government would have to adopt such severity. [Despite] that, people’s health and lives are at stake for political reasons, ”he said.

“No provincial government can take unilateral decisions”

Earlier today, Federal Minister of Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry stressed that no provincial government can make unilateral decisions and circumvent orders from the federal government and the National Command and Control Center. operation (NCOC) [for containing the coronavirus spread].

Speaking to the media in Lahore, Chaudhry specifically referred to the Sindh government and asked it to immediately open the industries it had closed as part of its nine-day provincial lockdown announced yesterday.

The way the Sindh government tries to impose restrictions will only make the situation worse for ordinary men. The province is the jugular vein of the Pakistani economy and when it improves, you talk about imposing containment, lamented the minister.

He said the Sindh government’s decision raised concerns for the Center. When your strategy works, you don’t change it this [haphazard] way, he added.

Searching the Sindh government, he said the strategy given to the provincial government should be respected. If you had been wise enough, Karachi should not have been as it is today, he added.

The minister stressed that if the Sindh government unilaterally goes against the guidelines of the NCOC and the federal government, it will seriously affect the national economy.

He stressed that there should not be a curfew-like situation in Karachi and that no industry should shut down. You need to focus on vaccinations and industries with 100 percent vaccination of its workers should be open, he advised.

Chaudhry called the provincial government’s decision inappropriate, adding Articles 149 and 151 of the Constitution and a Supreme Court ruling was also very clear on this. The Supreme Court had already ruled that the provinces could not make unilateral decisions in this regard.

You cannot make unilateral decisions on this matter. You cannot neglect the federal government’s strategy. All of your plans should be designed after NCOC approval and as directed by the federal government, he said.

Earlier, he said India failed to take the necessary steps to contain Covid-19 and the fourth wave exploded from there. Our economies were recovering but the irresponsible policies of Indian governments affected the world and the Delta variant spread in its wake, he regretted.

Pakistan has seen coronavirus infections skyrocket, dominated by the Delta variant, and its poor health infrastructure is under extreme pressure.

The national rate of positive tests for Covid-19 stands at 8.4 pc, according to the NCOC. The rate in Karachi has crossed 26pc in recent days.

Meanwhile, Federal Planning and Development Minister and NCOC chief Asad Umar tweeted that no one should doubt that the NCOC was a national platform whose decisions were not influenced by politics, adding that “all decisions are made only for the good of the nation.” .

He said it was hoped that the Sindh government, at an NCOC meeting tomorrow, will consult in detail on all related issues and formulate a strategy in which all pillars of the state will work together to protect the health and employment of the inhabitants of Sindh.




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