SNL’s New ‘Joe Biden’ Is Actually A Master Donald Trump Impersonator

New Saturday Night Live cast member James Austin Johnson may play President Joe Biden on SNL, but he truly is one of Donald Trump’s best impersonators. Johnson has captured Trump’s voice so perfectly that it’s hard to tell whether it’s Trump or Johnson speaking with his eyes closed. Johnson recently shared how he designed Trump by folding clothes with other comedians. Plus, the reaction he got when he delivered Trump during the stand-up.
SNL’s Joe Biden is actually an incredible Donald Trump
Trump first came to Johnson via Scooby-Doo?
SNL’s New Joe Biden James Austin Johnson Is A Master Donald Trump Impersonator | Will Heath / NBC / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images
“I had a day job folding clothes with other comedians and touring musicians, and we were all in this warehouse of goods together,” Johnson recalled to Vanity Fair. That’s really where I get a lot of my Trump from. It was like being surrounded by friends. There’s a social aspect to it, it’s just chatting about something, having a conversation at work. This is where the Scooby-Doo comes from.
It was just a rowdy lunch break, he continued. I literally ran around and got sandwiches in downtown LA and brought them back, and as I got back to my truck, I just started making this video. And it’s probably the best, in terms of traffic.
The audience fell silent when James Austin Johnson launched into Donald Trump
Johnson explained how his Trump impersonation left the room in complete silence during his standups. The print was too realistic. When he was first elected and I was playing vocals in 2016, 2017, it showed my kind of left-wing anger a lot. I would be like, were going to kill everyone. Blown up everyone’s houses that I don’t like, he said. I would be more openly racist and homophobic than Trump.
As it grew and became more like it, the bar became silent, ”he added. “Not necessarily laughing, which is very rare for this piece. Either it’s talking and laughing, or it’s silent and laughing. But it is never silent and silent. I noticed that people listened and didn’t like what they heard when I repeated what Trump was saying or emphasized it, making it more vicious for people, darker.
– James Austin Johnson (@shrimpJAJ) February 28, 2021
Johnson also shared that he never pre-writes any of his Trump documents. He said he finds more success with spontaneity with the character. “I think I may have written a few things a few times, and just noticed that these wouldn’t take off online and that it was a bit lacking in what makes TrumpTrump,” he said. .
Is James Austin Johnson rehearsing his Donald Trump?
Johnson is not a fan of repeated, stilted impressions. “And it’s the impressions of Trump that I hate,” he remarked. “When I go online and look at other people’s impressions of Trump, they’re so written down, with these written jokes. It just doesn’t sound like Trump.
He views his impression of Trump as the utterly rogue man himself. Trump is not writing, and he has not rehearsed, ”he explained. “I tend to hover around Rally Trump, and there’s absolutely no repetition there. I choose a pop culture topic, usually something that’s a real opinion that I actually have.
Johnson pulled a “Cameo” from Trump as he walked. “Cameos for your mother,” he captioned the video. “Yeah, I always make Big Guy cameos for your mom.” It is his birthday. Link in the stories. He also pulled off a version of Trump singing “My Funny Valentine”.
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And although he is Trump’s master, he is currently facing President Joe Biden.
Sources 2/ https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/snls-new-joe-biden-actually-master-donald-trump-impersonator.html/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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