Look at 2024: Joe Biden slams Donald Trump at a Virginia campaign rally | World news

US President Joe Biden has repeatedly criticized his predecessor Donald Trump during a campaign rally the day before he left for Rome and then for Glasgow last week. It’s not yet 2024, and Trump is not back at the polls, this time to prevent Biden from winning a second term.
The campaign rally was in favor of Democrat Terry McAuliffe, candidate for governor of the state of Virginia. Biden has attacked Trump at least 27 times. He mentioned McAuliffes’ Republican rival, Glenn Youngkin, by name only twice, that too when reading a news article about him.
I ran against Donald Trump. And Terry is running against a sidekick of Donald Trump, the president said. Terry’s opponent doesn’t like to talk about how – a lot now – but to win the Republican nomination he hugged Donald Trump. It’s three times here.
Democrats have sought to portray Youngkin as someone in the mold of Trump, who remains extremely unpopular in Virginia. But the race for governor is widely and closely watched for the implications for the 2022 midterm election, when the US House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate are up for grabs and until 2024, when Biden could apply. a second term or resign for another Democrat.
Virginia votes Tuesday either to bring back McAuliffe, who was previously state governor, or to give Youngkin a chance, in a major political upheaval. Virginia was once a Republican stronghold, but has been a strong Democrat in recent years due to a diversified electorate, predominantly Asian Americans, including a large portion of those of Indian descent.
This election is being watched around the world for whether America’s Bidens pledge is back is only a transitional phase with the possibility of Trump returning in 2024, with all of his disruptive policies stemming from his return. America First vision.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a former Danish prime minister who served as NATO secretary general, told the Washington Post that world leaders are watching the race in Virginia and would consider a defeat – or even a narrow victory – of McAuliffe as a sign ahead – runner of a possible return. of former President Trump. It would add to skepticism in Europe that declaring America’s return is only temporary, he added.
The state of New Jersey is also voting on Tuesday – either to give current Democratic Governor Phil Murphy another term or to elect his Republican rival Jack Ciattarelli.
Although ranked 11th and 12th by their population, they only represent 5% of the national vote. But because these gubernatorial races take place a year after the presidential election, they tend to be seen as a quick referendum on the incumbent president’s first year of the White House.
Bidens’ own approval ratings are pretty bad at 42% in the Gallup poll, which he is keenly aware of. Asked about it at a press conference in Rome, he said, I haven’t run to determine how well I’m going to do in the polls. I ran to make sure I followed through on what I said I would do as President of the United States.
His party candidate in Virginia, McAuliffe, isn’t doing very well either. He saw his poll count drop from 7 percentage points ahead in August to almost a point behind Youngkin in the weighted average of the polls by forecaster FiveThirtyEights. Party heavyweights – President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Barack Obama – have all campaigned in the state, and often repeatedly, but failed to was able to stop the fall.
Murphy remains ahead of his 9-point rival in New Jersey and remains the favorite by far, the race got much closer than seen earlier as Bidens’ odds plummeted.
Bidens’ 11-month presidency is not the key factor in either state or Trump, however. What’s Happening in Virginia is a people movement led and defined by Glenn Youngkin. It will be a mandate for individual liberty and liberty. Large crowds from urban counties to rural counties show the failure of Democratic Socialist policies, said Puneet Ahluwalia, who leads Youngkins’ outreach to the Asian-American community.
The issue of race in schools was the main issue in the Virginia election, with Youngkin leading a crop war campaign in hopes of capitalizing on the divisive issue. The response to the pandemic and the use of masks and vaccines are also playing a leading role with conservative resistance to both.
Sources 2/ https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/eye-on-2024-joe-biden-slams-donald-trump-at-virginia-election-rally-101635783689640.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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