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Why is Pakistan troubled by the prospects of a prosperous Kashmir? – OpEd – Eurasia Review

Why is Pakistan troubled by the prospects of a prosperous Kashmir?  – OpEd – Eurasia Review


Things aren’t going too well for Pakistan – as rising external debt brings the country to the brink of financial disaster, a Faustian deal struck with outlawed parties like Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan, and the likelihood of ‘another with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan [TTP] terrorists, will certainly bring Islamabad to its knees. Yet not a day goes by without Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan or a party member expressing concern over what the icteric eyes of Islamabad perceive as oppression of the Kashmiris.

The irony is that instead of focusing on internal issues threatening the very idea and existence of Pakistan that deserve immediate attention, Khan and his bunch of merry ministers are busy condemning what they claim to be the abject apathy of the international community towards Kashmir. J & K’s pro-Pakistan lobby raves every time Islamabad mentions Kashmir, but the majority know that, since Kashmir has been the most effective theme in Pakistani politics in deflecting national public opinion, its rhetoric in this regard is purely theatrical.

With the United Nations Security Council [UNSC] making it clear that J&K is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan that must be mutually resolved without any third party intervention, Islamabad’s claim that Kashmir is an international issue makes no sense.

So, it was not at all surprising that the UNSC refused to hear Islamabad’s bizarre claim that by repealing Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, New Delhi had violated UN resolutions on Cashmere. In fact, Islamabad knew from the start that this allegation had no basis because even before the United Nations Security Council meeting, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi urged his compatriots not to live in the paradise of crazy, and told them that they [UNSC members] don’t expect you with garlands in hand.?

However, given that Islamabad still believes its position on repealing Section 370 is right, then why does it not go to the International Court of Justice? Two weeks after the repeal of Article 370, Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi had pompously announced that we had decided to take the Kashmir case to the International Court of Justice.

Yet even after more than two years, this promise is still not kept. So, those who consider Pakistan as the true benefactor of the Kashmiris, must ask Pakistan why has it not yet brought the question of the repeal of Article 370 to the ICJ? Could it be the fear that being unsuccessful, this case will be dismissed bluntly by the ICJ?

Islamabad’s hostile reaction to recent developments in Kashmir should open the eyes of the pro-Pakistan lobby. Last month, two important events occurred in the Union territory of J&K. First, a memorandum of understanding for the development of real estate and infrastructure was signed between the government of J&K and the UAE; second, Islamabad has granted the Indian private carrier GoFirst airways overflight clearance to operate non-stop flights between Srinagar and Sharjah four times a week as of 23 October.

On November 1, GoFirst entered into an agreement with Lulu Group, one of Dubai’s largest retail houses, to ship Kashmir apples, handicrafts and other local products to various markets in Dubai. Middle East. When signing the deal, Lulu Group Director Salim MA noted that there were immense opportunities we have for exports from here.[J&K] and assured that “As Lulu we will be able to pick up lots of fruits, vegetables and antiques and crafts and lots more items. We assure you that we will do our best to export goods from Kashmir.

However, the very next day, Islamabad closed its airspace for GoFirst airways without giving any reasons, and the timing of these two developments surely cannot be a mere coincidence! Rather, by denying overflight clearance, GoFirst successfully sabotaged Lulu Groups’ ambitious plans to bring Kashmir-made products to the Middle East. While the flyover ban does not affect the well-established Lulu Group or GoFirst Airways, it will be essentially Kashmiri horticulturalists and artisans who will be deprived of a golden opportunity to conquer Middle Eastern markets.

There is no doubt that Islamabad is angry with the India-UAE bonhomie and his anguish can be measured by the former Pakistani High Commissioner to India, Abdul Basits admits that “This [MoU] is a major achievement for India in the context of Pakistan and Jammu and Kashmir, as OIC members have always kept Pakistan’s sensitivity to Kashmir in the foreground. However, since it cannot influence the Indo-UAE deal, Islamabad returned to its childish ways and decided to shut down its airspace for GoFirst within 24 hours after this airline signed an agreement with Lulu Group, without even worry about its ill effects on the people of Kashmir.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that Islamabad has denied the use of its airspace to Indian commercial flights departing from Srinagar. In 2009, after granting clearance for Air India’s direct flight from Srinagar to Dubai, Pakistan abruptly closed its airspace for this flight. The long detour to bypass Pakistani airspace made this flight economically unviable and therefore had to be suspended. That could well happen this time around, too, as the detour to avoid Pakistani airspace involves an additional 90 minutes of flight time, which would increase fares and potentially result in the suspension of that flight.

It is absolutely clear that by shutting down its airspace for GoFirst flights, Islamabad is jeopardizing the prospects for Kashmiri farmers and artisans to get better prices and bigger markets in the Middle East. So the question the pro-Pakistan lobby must ask its benefactors sitting across the line of control is: if Islamabad is truly a sympathizer of the Kashmiris, then why is it denying them a chance to sell their products on foreign markets by closing its airspace to flights from Srinagar?

Basits believes that opening up trade between the people of Kashmir and the Middle East is a major achievement for India in the context of Pakistan and Jammu and Kashmir, aptly described the state of mind of ‘Islamabad which sees any positive development for the people of Kashmir as a threat to its own influence. Denying the benefits of cheap international air connectivity to the people of Kashmir by closing their airspace twice is a clear indication that for Islamabad, the impoverished Kashmiris are more beneficial than the rich because it is very easy to use the first as pawns in his proxy war against India.

The pro-Pakistan lobby must face the reality that Islamabad has no legal basis to claim J&K, nor the military capacity to wrest control. Those who run business in Pakistan know this and well know that Kashmir is a dead issue, but for obvious reasons they are unwilling to accept it. So all Pakistan can do is boil the Kashmiri pot by inciting violence – and since its Kashmiri blood is shed, how important does that mean to Islamabad?

Cordier: In September 2019, Indian Ambassador to the United States Harsh Vardhan Shringla spoke of the “Pakistani interest in preventing prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir and the Ladakh region of Kashmir, because a weak economy feeds the separatist feelings in certain districts “. He also clarified that while Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has every right to run his own economy underground. But its determination to inflict similar damage on the province of a neighboring country must be called into question by the international community.

At this time, Shringlas’ observations seemed far-fetched and even motivated. But two years later, Islamabad’s turnaround on GoFirst Airways overflight authorization proved beyond any doubt that the Indian ambassador was telling the truth!




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