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PM Modi shares video of INS commissioning Vikrant, says he cannot express sense of pride in words | India News

PM Modi shares video of INS commissioning Vikrant, says he cannot express sense of pride in words |  India News
PM Modi shares video of INS commissioning Vikrant, says he cannot express sense of pride in words |  India News


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared video of INS commissioning on Saturday vikrant in the Indian Navy and said he cannot express the feeling of pride in words.
On Friday, the Prime Minister commissioned the first locally designed and built aircraft carrier. INS Vikrant at Cochin Shipyard Limited here in Kochi an important step by the central government towards autonomy in the defense sector.

Sharing the video on his Twitter account, the Prime Minister Fashion wrote: “A historic day for India! The feeling of pride when I was on board INS Vikrant yesterday cannot be expressed in words.”
During the commissioning of INS Vikrant, the Prime Minister called the event a “tribute” to India’s rising spirits on the global horizon.
“Today, here on the Kerala coast, every Indian is witnessing the dawn of a new future. This event held on INS Vikrant is a tribute to India’s rise to the global horizon” , said the Prime Minister.
“The Vikrant is huge and special. The Vikrant is not just a warship. It is a testament to the hard work, talent, influence and commitment of 21st century India.”
Designed by the Indian Navy’s Warship Design Bureau (WDB) and built by Cochin Shipyard Limited, a public sector shipyard under the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Vikrant was built with automation features state of the art and is the largest ship ever built in the maritime history of India.
INS Vikrant, built at a cost of around Rs 20,000 crore, successfully completed its fourth and final phase of sea trials last month. With the construction of “Vikrant”, India has joined a select group of nations with the niche capability to design and build an aircraft carrier locally.
The ship has over 2,300 compartments, designed for a crew of around 1,700, including specialized cabins to accommodate female officers.
Vikrant has a top speed of around 28 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots with a range of around 7,500 nautical miles. The aircraft carrier is 262 meters long, 62 meters wide and has a height of 59 meters. Her keel was laid in 2009.
The commissioning of India’s first native aircraft carrier is a momentous occasion during India’s 75-year independence of Amritkaal and signifies the country’s confidence and prowess.
This indigenous aircraft carrier is proof of the country’s technical acumen and engineering skills. This demonstration of India’s self-sufficiency to produce a warplane carrier will bolster the country’s defense indigenization programs and the “Make in India” campaign.




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