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Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan accuses Maryam Nawaz of plotting to kill him

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan accuses Maryam Nawaz of plotting to kill him


On Monday, Imran Khan, the former Pakistani prime minister, accused politician Maryam Nawaz of plotting his assassination through a “religious fanatic” and spreading “sectarianism and religious hatred” against him. Pakistani leader Tehreek-e-Insaf also spoke about the plot to assassinate him during a rally last Saturday in Rahim Yar Khan, a town about 400 kilometers north of Lahore.

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Maryam, the daughter of former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, is so desperate, according to Khan, that she is also trying to have him disqualified from the upcoming elections by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) in the Toshakhana case for failing to include details of the gifts he received from the state custodian in his declaration of assets.

“Maryam Nawaz and her accomplices spread bigotry and religious hatred against me to make any religious fanatics motivated and kill me,” Mr Khan, 69, said during his speech with businessmen here.

“I am not afraid of death because it will be decided by Allah (God) and no one else,” said the 69-year-old cricketer turned politician. “Four people had decided behind closed doors to have me killed,” he said.

Maryam, a prominent member of the Pakistan Muslim League, had previously used her Twitter account to provide a comparison between two claimed statements by Imran Khan and the same number of verses from the Quran.

“This man (Imran) uses religion for his politics and promotes his false narrative. Save your faith and the country from this Satan,” she said.

Punjab police have arrested two federal ministers and two top executives of state-owned PTV on terrorism charges for allegedly inciting religious hatred against Imran Khan and endangering his life.

Federal Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Federal Minister Mian Javed Latif, PTV Director General Sohail Khan and Broadcaster Program Controller Rashid Baig were named in the FIR, which was launched in response to a complaint from a local politician.

They were arrested and charged under the Terrorism Act 1997, in particular section 9 (punishment for conduct designed or likely to stir up sectarian hatred) and section 11X(3) (liability for causing civil disturbance ).

According to Latif, Khan “supports the Ahmadi minority group” and therefore “non-Muslim”. In 1974, the Ahmadi community was officially designated as non-Muslim by the Parliament of Pakistan. Ten years later, they couldn’t even use the term “Muslim” in public. They cannot preach or go on pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.

(With PTI entries)




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