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Are you new to Bollywood? Terms to Know Before Watching “Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar”

Are you new to Bollywood?  Terms to Know Before Watching “Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar”


Released on May 1, Sanjay Leela Bhansali's production received critical acclaim and its share of criticism for the themes and historical conflicts to which the story lends itself.

Particularly, the role played by courtesans in the preservation of Indian cultural arts and in the struggle for India's independence from British rule.

In all, “Constitution: the diamond bazaar” is a gripping and evocative drama set in the heart of pre-independent India, amid the bustling streets and opulent palaces of Heeramandi, a renowned red-light district that thrives on the trade of diamonds and desires.

Even if the different titles used in 'The Constitution' This may not be new to those who frequent Bollywood productions, we could lose some of the appeal of Netflix series by not understanding them.

Starting with the title of the series itself, Heeramandi was and still exists as a real-life location in modern-day Pakistan.

Heeramandi, which translates to “diamond market” or “diamond bazaar”, was originally established in the 17th and 18th centuries during the Mughal era as a red light district and entertainment center.

It was a lively district where courtesans, dancers, musicians and artists thrived, entertaining nobles, aristocrats and wealthy clients from across the Empire.

As colonial rule prevailed, the British administration imposed moralistic and puritanical laws that led to the stigmatization and marginalization of the Heeramandi courtesan community.

Tawaifs were highly skilled and cultured female artists in the Indian subcontinent, particularly during the Mughal era and later periods of the princely states.

They were trained in classical music, dance, poetry and other fine arts.

Tawaifs also enjoyed high social status and were often patrons of the arts known for their elegance, wit, and sophistication. The status of tawaifs declined and they came to be associated more with prostitution than with art.

Nabab is a title of nobility and honor used in South Asia, particularly the Indian subcontinent, historically associated with Muslim rulers and princes.

The term comes from the Persian word “nawab” (), meaning “deputy” or “viceroy”.

Sahab is an honorific term used in South Asia, particularly in Urdu-speaking regions, to address or designate a gentleman or person of respect. It is often added to the individual's name or title, signifying reverence and deference.

Sawab is an Arabic term used in Islamic theology and ethics, referring to spiritual merit or reward earned by performing good deeds or acts of virtue. Accumulating sawab is believed to lead to spiritual growth and possible reward in the afterlife.

Reach is an Urdu term used to respectfully address an elder sister or any woman with authority and respect. It conveys affection, respect and family or social hierarchy.

Ammi is an endearing term in Urdu and many Indian languages ​​for mother. It signifies the love, respect and nurturing role of a mother in the family.

Abbu is a term of endearment in Urdu and other Indian languages ​​for father. He represents the father figure as well as the authority, advice and support provided by a father in the family.

Begum is a title of respect and nobility used in South Asia, particularly the Mughal and princely states, to address a lady of high social standing, usually the wife of a nobleman or ruler.

Jaan is an Urdu term of endearment meaning “life” or “beloved”. It is often used to express deep affection and attachment to a loved one, such as a spouse or romantic partner.

Huzoor is an honorific title in Urdu, Persian and Arabic, used to respectfully address or refer to a person of high status or authority, such as a ruler, leader or spiritual guide.

In 'The Constitution'madams who were often elder sisters or mothers of the tawaifs prefer to be called huzoor.

Through its richly drawn characters and immersive narration, “Constitution: the diamond bazaar” offers a memorable exploration of the timeless themes of desire, duty and destiny.

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