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Competition in Congress to abuse me, his sanity lost: PM Modi

Competition in Congress to abuse me, his sanity lost: PM Modi


Responding to Congress for its Ravan hits himPrime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday Congress leaders were vying to abuse the country’s prime minister and losing their mental balance in the face of election defeats.

Campaigning for the BJP in Vejalpur in Kalol in Gujarat’s Panchmahal district where votes will be cast on December 5 in the second phase of Assembly elections, Modi said the Congress instructed and delegated its Speaker Mallikarjun Kharge to call him a 100-headed Ravan. the party has no faith in Lord Ram’s existence.

A Congress leader recently said: We will show Modi his aukat. Do we have aukat? We are sevaks… Now the high command of the Congress has sent its new president… I know him and respect him very much. But he was taught to say things… but they don’t know that Gujarat is a land of Ram bhakts so they told him to come to Gujarat and call Modi a Ravan with 100 heads.

Modi also accused Congress of “taking pleasure” in insulting places of worship and worship. (Express Photo by Chitral Khambati)

We know that Congress does not even accept the identity of Lord Ram. They have no faith in Ram temple in Ayodhya, even reject the existence of Ram Setu, but they brought Ravan out of Ramayan, he said.

It does not surprise me that they used such abusive words towards me… But what surprises me is that the Congress party and its main leaders never officially apologize… Yes, we can say things in a fit of rage but an apology may follow…

Congress thinks it is within its rights to insult the country’s prime minister and demote the prime minister, he said.

If they had had any faith in democracy, they would not have done this. Their faith is not in democracy but in a family… There is a contest in Congress to abuse Modi. Every leader hopes to make the abuse bigger, more frequent, harsher… Recently one said Modi will die a dog death, another said Modi will die like Hitler, then they waited for the Pakistan is killing me… and then one of them said, If I get the chance, I will kill Modi… They call me Ravan, rakshas and cockroach.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a 50 km tour in Ahmedabad on Thursday. (PhotoExpress)

I am the son of Gujarat. Isn’t this insult to Modi, whom you created and raised, your own insult? Congress is unaware that the more mud it throws, the more lotuses will bloom, he said.

He blamed Congress for taking pleasure in insulting houses of worship and worship. Previously, it was a heartbreaking experience to see Pavagadh temple without shikhar. It was a 500 year old insult. I swore to change the situation… Didn’t Pavagadh exist during the reign of the Congress? But they couldn’t see the strength (of the Shakti Peeth) that I could see. Congress appreciates the insults of faith and worship…I don’t know what’s wrong with them. You can lose elections but it can’t become a reason for you to lose your sanity… We used to lose our deposits earlier but we never behaved like this, he said .

In Himmatnagar in Sabarkantha, where he was campaigning for BJP candidates in Khedbhrama, Idar, Himmatnagar and Prantij constituencies, Modi said the elections were not about electing a five-year government but about laying a solid foundation for a strong India when it is over. 100 years of Independence.

He said a mistake similar to the one after independence when Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was not appointed Prime Minister should not be repeated as the BJP fixed a lot of things in the country with great effort. We want to make Gujarat a developed state in the next 25 years. And developed Gujarat means that the state is not lagging behind the benchmarks prevailing in developed countries. And these elections are there for that, he says.




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