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Trump can’t stop praising Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un

Trump can’t stop praising Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un
Trump can’t stop praising Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un


During last night’s appearance on Fox, Donald Trump once again sang the praises of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un, reminding Americans that he was ready to bond with some of the world’s worst dictators. world.

Trump has repeatedly bragged about his good relationship with Vladimir Putin and praised his intelligence, even as Putin continues his brutal invasion of Ukraine.

Donald Trump on Putin last night: I could see that he liked [Ukraine]. We had a very good relationship.

Donald Trump last night: Putin, very clever. Now he probably had a bad year. Do not forget that all this is not, if he took over all of Ukraine-

Donald Trump, March 2023: I got along very well with Putin.

Donald Trump, February 2023: I actually had a very good relationship.

Washington Post, February 2022: Genius, Savvy: Trump Reacts To Putin’s Ukraine Invasion Exactly As You Expected

Donald Trump, February 2022: I said, how smart is that? He’s going to come in and be a peacekeeper, added Trump, who has regularly praised and sought close ties to Putin during his tenure. It is the most powerful force for peace. We could use it on our southern border. It is the strongest force for peace I have ever seen. There were more army tanks than I have ever seen. They’ll keep the peace, okay.

Donald Trump, February 2022: Putin says now, His independent, much of Ukraine. I said, how smart is that? And he’s going to come in and be a peacekeeper. Here is a guy who is very savvy.

Trump also expressed his admiration for Xi Jinping. Trump has praised China’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and his failed trade deal with China has hurt American farmers and manufacturers.

Donald Trump last night: People ask me how smart Xi is. I say high end. You’ve never met anyone smarter.

Donald Trump last night: President Xi is a brilliant man. the gaze, the brain, everything. We had a great relationship.

CNN: Trump has promised to win the trade war with China. He failed

AT THE TOP: China hasn’t bought any of the extra $200 billion in US exports in Trump’s trade deal

Donald Trump, January 2020: China has worked very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. Everything will be alright. In particular, on behalf of the American people, I want to thank President Xi!

Trump even praised North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Trump repeatedly refused to condemn Kim’s human rights abuses while praising his authoritarian rule.

Donald Trump last night: How smart is Kim Jong Un? Top of the line. really smart. You know, when you come out and as a young man at 24, 23, even though he sort of inherits it, he took over a country of very smart people, very, very, very energetic, very tough people at a very young age and he has total dominant control.

Donald Trump on Kim Jong Un last night: I got along very well with him.

CBS News: You know you sometimes call people killers, [Kim Jong Un] is a killer. He’s clearly executing people, Baier said. He’s a badass, Mr. Trump replied.

Trump, asked about Kim’s history of brutality: Look, he does what he saw him do, if you look at him. But, I really have to go through today and yesterday and a few weeks ago because that’s really when it all started.

Trump, when he reads a list of Kim’s human rights abuses: Of course. I know all these things. I mean, I’m not a baby. I know these things. I get on well with him, okay?

CNN: Trump: Kim Jong Un very open and honorable




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