Trump says he doesn’t like the term WokeThe Republican buzzword is used repeatedly

Former President Donald Trump said on Thursday he disliked the term woke, even as he relied on the right-wing buzzword to slam the left over its stance on issues deemed politically correct, marking a surprising break from his Republican presidential challengers and routine attacks. against Democrats using the term as he rallies his base ahead of the 2024 GOP presidential primaries.
Former President Donald Trump has said he doesn’t like the term woke, even though his supporters have… [+] kissed him.
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Speaking at a campaign event outside Des Moines, Trump said he didn’t like the term because half the people can’t even define it and don’t know what it is. East.
His comments mark a departure from what has been one of his favorite terms to criticize Democrats and big business, and come just two days after he attacked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), his main presidential rival in the GOP for failing to stop Disney from going woke up, amid an ongoing saga between the entertainment giant and the state over the company’s stance against the so-called Dont Say Gay Act promoted by DeSantis.
The anti-revival ramp has been a cornerstone of the campaigns of Trump’s Republican rivals, particularly DeSantis, who has regularly claimed Democrats have created a woke culture gone mad and launched a so-called anti-revival crusade against corporations. and colleges promoting diversity and equity programs.
In the past, Trump has said America should replace wokesters with patriots after criticizing the US women’s national soccer team as leftist maniacs, and launched his own social media platform Truth Social last year as an unawakened alternative to Twitter, having been booted from Twitter after the Jan. 6 Capitol uprising.
crucial quote
Trump spent the event criticizing trans children’s participation in youth sports as well as gender-affirming care for trans children amid increased state bans on the health care procedure in states. led by the GOP, saying: Countries have gotten sick.
In 2021, DeSantis signed into law the Floridas Stop WOKE Act, which banned state college professors from teaching critical race theory, a loosely defined academic framework focused on topics such as systemic racism. (A federal judge temporarily blocked part of that law in November, saying it amounted to a dystopian fetter on academic freedom.) The Florida legislature also threw out an AP African American studies course. in January and enacted restrictions on school library materials.
Key context
The term woke has circulated in Republican circles in recent years as a massively popular term to criticize a wide range of Democratic initiatives, although it fell into the national spotlight when Black Lives Matter protesters encouraged each other to stay. awake after the murder of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Missouri. The term had already been used for decades primarily in black communities and featured in the chorus of Childish Gambinos 2016 hit Redbone.
Further reading
Rejecting AP studies, restricting libraries: Here’s how DeSantis and his anti-revival policies are impacting education in Florida (Forbes)
Trump blames Disney for waking up as he blames DeSantis for not stopping him (Forbes)
Sources 2/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2023/06/01/trump-says-he-doesnt-like-the-term-woke-the-republican-buzzword-hes-repeatedly-used/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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