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Even Boris can't resurrect useless Tories

Even Boris can't resurrect useless Tories
Even Boris can't resurrect useless Tories


If the Conservative Party high command really think that Boris Johnson's return, in one way or another, is the cure for his unpopularity, then they have, as they say, another thought ahead.

For while Johnson is certainly a more gifted native campaigner than Rishi Sunak, the mood of the centre-right electorate is firmly in what might be called Pete Townshend mode (he won't be fooled again). A few joint appearances by Sunak and the blonde bombshell or even Johnson's re-election won't bring back the long-lost hordes of voters.

The basic situation is this: for the past decade, the Conservative Party has run the country like a talentless but jaded learner driver, and now it's being discovered. There were road bunny hops, multiple engine stalls and 18-point turns. Regarding Brexit and economic management, the sudden changes in leadership have destroyed the illusion of core competencies.

But it is on the fundamental question of immigration that the worst offenses have been perpetrated. At every crossroads, the electorate has told the party to turn right and yet it has, time and time again, turned left. Today, the dire consequences are evident: acute housing shortages, overwhelmed public services and core British values ​​openly condemned by Islamist mobs.

On this issue, now consistently ranked as the country's number one issue by Conservative voters in 2019, Johnson is as culpable as his predecessors and successors in 10 Downing Street. David Cameron and Theresa May have not kept their promise to reduce annual net migration to a few tens of thousands, or on average a quarter of a million each. Johnson then promised voters that the overall numbers would fall under his leadership before raising them to their highest levels. Liz Truss was rumored to still be planning further liberalizations before she was ousted, and then Sunak stuck to Johnson's target of 700,000 net new arrivals per year.

And now the Tories seem to think that a bit of Blair and Brown-style ice-licking at the end of the pier from Sunak and Johnson will bring the cultural conservatives back to the Red Wall and the county's traditional redoubts. mass towards their banner. It's a helpline that is surely doomed to failure.

Between now and polling day, it would be surprising if Johnson refused to offer some symbolic acts of support for Sunak. No doubt this will include a few rallying columns. But it will be primarily about letting the remnants of the party's activist base know that he remains loyal to it rather than being a serious attempt to keep its usurper in Downing Street.

Perhaps Sunak will also offer Johnson the Conservative candidacy for one of the many soon-to-be vacant plum seats where the sitting MP is standing down. Kwasi Kwarteng's Spelthorne constituency, on the outskirts of London (population 18,000 in 2019), could be put forward given Kwarteng pushed the idea of ​​a Boris resurrection in a weekend TV appearance. end.

In which case, Johnson will surely be smart enough to decline gracefully and thus preserve the idea that he is an electoral winner and that the impending doom is all about Sunaks.

When we learn of two more Tory by-election disasters on Friday morning, they will be largely blamed on Sunak being an electoral liability for his party. Few remember that before his defenestration, Johnson presided over similar by-elections.

There has rarely been a better time to be a prince on the water in conservative politics than to play a leading role in the looming crisis episode. Total erasure.




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