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Can Imran Khan-backed candidates form a truly “independent” government in Pakistan?

Can Imran Khan-backed candidates form a truly “independent” government in Pakistan?
Can Imran Khan-backed candidates form a truly “independent” government in Pakistan?


NEW DELHI: Against all odds, independent candidates backed by Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) won around 100 seats in Pakistan's controversial general elections. an unusual delay in announcing results that led to allegations of massive voter fraud in many constituencies across the country. The country's electoral commission finally released the full results on Monday. While both imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan's PTI party and ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party claimed victory, a coalition government seems inevitable because no party obtained a majority in the elections. According to the poll panel, the PML-N secured 75 seats, while former Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari's PPP won 54 and the MQM-P secured 17 seats. Among other parties, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) won four seats, PML-Quaid won three, and Parti Istehkam-e-Pakistan (IPP) and Balochistan National Party (BNP) won two each. . including some supported by Imran Khan – won 101 seats, according to the results. PTI candidates were forced to contest as independents as the Election Commission banned the party from using its election symbol – the cricket bat – due to its controversial intra-party elections. .How many seats are needed to form a government? To form a government, a party must win 133 seats out of the 265 seats contested in the National Assembly.

A total of 169 seats are needed to obtain a simple majority out of a total of 336 seats, which include seats reserved for women and minorities which will be decided later. President Arif Alvi is required under the Constitution to convene a new session of Parliament. new National Assembly by February 29, the Secretariat of the Lower House having made all arrangements to welcome the newly elected members. Can independents form a government? While PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif, in his premature victory speech, indicated his willingness to form a coalition government, the strategy of the PTI's Independent Victors Brigade remains unclear. Despite the electoral success, the PTI is still at a significant disadvantage, thanks to the ECP's decision to rid it of its iconic bat symbol as well as the barrage of lawsuits against its high-level leaders who remain behind bars. This means that even if the candidates it supports win the most seats, the party may not be able to form a government because it will not be allocated a quota of minority seats. One possibility for the winning PTI-backed candidates is that they try to form a group. Can PTI-linked independents elect a prime minister from among themselves? Once the winning candidates are informed, they then have three days to decide whether they want to independently support a political party or join a party as a group.

If PTI-backed independents want to become the largest group in Parliament, they will have to join an existing political party. The name mentioned is Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen (MWM), which is already a registered party. If they join this party they will also get reserved seats and their number will increase and then they can be a candidate. for the Leader of the House. Many felt that although the poll panel had denied PTI an election symbol, it had not delisted the party. Legally, the PTI remains a political party. Have there ever been so many independent candidates elected? In 1985, non-party elections were held in Pakistan. No party was allowed to participate in the elections and each presented itself as an individual. The elected candidates went to Parliament and named their group or party Pakistan Muslim League, now called PML-N or PML-Q. (With input from Dawn and agencies)




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