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How the Israeli war in Gaza serves Chinese interests against the United States

How the Israeli war in Gaza serves Chinese interests against the United States
How the Israeli war in Gaza serves Chinese interests against the United States


China's condemnation of the US veto of an Algerian-backed UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza is receiving increasing attention in international media, including in the Middle East . It appears that Beijing is using the war in Gaza to try to increase its influence in the region.

China has recently embarked on a charm offensive, slowly building itself up to become a country trusted by regional powers.

China began this effort slowly, over time. However, he came into the spotlight when he helped bring about reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. China has worked hard in 2023 to strengthen Saudi-Iran relations. This is a major achievement because it shows the world that it can accomplish something that the West cannot.

How did Beijing achieve this? He presents himself as not having the same background in the region as the West. Beijing also has relatively consistent policies. For example, this does not resemble the Western Janus image of lecturing the region on human rights while associating with the most authoritarian regimes. Beijing does not pretend to be anything other than what it is. It also doesn't change leadership every few years, meaning regimes in the region can count on yesterday's Beijing to be the same today's Beijing.

Is China changing allegiance?

China is slowly changing its position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Several years ago, it seemed that Sino-Israeli relations were reaching new heights. However, all this changed with increased US pressure on Israel to be wary of China, as well as the realization in Israel that short-sighted interests in its relations with China were likely. to damage its ties with the West. As the United States and China have become increasingly at odds over the past decade on various issues, Israel has been seen by China as low-hanging fruit in terms of criticism of Israeli policies.

Therefore, using the recent conflict in Gaza as a cudgel against the United States is a clear victory for Beijing. The Algerian resolution on Gaza gave Beijing what it wanted this week. Chinese Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun criticized the US veto, saying: “Given the situation on the ground, continuing to passively avoid an immediate ceasefire is nothing different than giving the green light to continue the massacre… The fallout from the conflict is destabilizing the entire country. Middle East region, leading to a growing risk of a wider war,” the BBC reported. “Only by extinguishing the flames of war in Gaza can we prevent the fires of hell from engulfing the entire region. »

Al-Ain News in the UAE also highlighted China's comments. Arab states are closely monitoring this development. Many of them say they want a ceasefire. China can now use the conflict to gain influence and favor.

China has already begun to intensify its criticism of Israel during the May 2021 war. Hamas was counting on countries like China and Russia not to condemn October 7. He also knew that he could count on Iran and Turkey, as well as Qatar, which hosts the leaders of Hamas. As such, Hamas has made the genocidal war it launched against Israel a focal point of global relations.

Hamas knows that countries like China and Russia see the war as an opportunity to use it against the West. Hamas wants Israel to be presented as a Western proxy. He sees the changing world order as an opportunity. So she timed her attack so that Russia would welcome the distraction from its conflict with Ukraine. Israel, for example, uses the same 155mm. shells that Ukraine needed. Hamas, its supporters, and its hosts likely saw October 7 as a watershed, and they will use it to bring about change in the region.

Israel now faces a challenge in this regard. Countries are mobilizing to use this conflict for their benefit. Since 1948, many countries have used the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for their own benefit, from the Nasser regime to Saddam and the ayatollahs. Everyone has benefited and profited from the conflict, and now, the more people suffer in Gaza, the more each of them gains. The war serves new interests against Israel and the West.




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