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Imran Khan did not say army generals instigated him against Fazlur Rehman

Imran Khan did not say army generals instigated him against Fazlur Rehman
Imran Khan did not say army generals instigated him against Fazlur Rehman


Allegation: According to a screenshot of a Geo News report, PTI founder Imran Khan said that JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman was a good person and was instigated against Rehman by General Faiz and Bajwa.

Fact: The screenshot of Imran Khan's statement is falsified. Geo News has never reported such a statement.

2024 elections

According to the results released by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), independent candidates backed by the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) are leading by winning the most seats in the National Assembly. The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) secured 75 seats, the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) managed to secure 54 seats, while the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) won 17 seats. However, no political party managed to obtain a simple majority to form the government. Protests have erupted across the country following allegations of widespread fraud in the general elections, made by the PTI and other nationalist groups. With no clear winner declared, several parties have claimed government. The PPP and PML-N agreed to form a coalition with Shehbaz Sharif selected as the prime ministerial candidate. Ahead of the elections, the PTI faced obstacles with several key leaders and supporters behind bars, defections and the loss of its cricket bat symbol, which raised concerns about fair campaigning and fair play. fair game. Just a week before the elections, Khan was sentenced to three additional terms; fourteen years in the figure case, ten years in the Toshakhana case and seven years in a case that found her marriage un-Islamic.

Elimination and arrest of the Khans

On April 10, 2022, Khan was removed from office by a vote of no confidence. On May 9, 2023, he was arrested on the orders of the National Accountability Bureau in the Al-Qadir Trust case. On 12 May 2023, he was released on bail by the Islamabad High Court and returned to his residence in Lahore under police protection. On 5 August 2023, Khan was arrested from his residence in Lahore in the Toshakhana case after a court conviction.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman

Rehman recently claimed that former army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and former spymaster Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed had guided political parties in the no-confidence vote against ex- Prime Minister Imran Khan and gave instructions during meetings with political leaders. Despite his initial reluctance, he eventually participated at the insistence of other parties, Rehman added.

The PTI claimed vindication after Rehman's accusations against the generals, saying it proves the conspiracy against Imran Khan. Marriyum Aurangzeb of the PML-N denied any involvement in the events mentioned by Rehman. PPP's Qamar Zaman Kaira said Rehamns' claims signaled the establishment's withdrawal of support for Imran Khan and recognized the role of the establishment as a reality.

On the directives of Imran Khan, a PTI delegation comprising key leaders, visited the JUI-F chief in Islamabad to persuade him to join the anti-rigging campaign, following alleged irregularities during the elections. Both parties have acknowledged the fraud allegations and the resulting political crisis after the 2024 election.

Fact or fiction?

On February 16, 2024, X (formerly Twitter) user Zafar Naqvi (@ZafarNaqviZN) shared (archive) a screenshot of a Geo News bulletin claiming that Imran Khan made the following statement about Maulana Fazlur Rehman:

[Maulana is a good person, Faiz and Bajwa incited me against him, Imran Khan’s message from jail]

Soch Fact Check found this claim to be false. Manzar Elahi, Head of Geo News Urdus Digital Output, confirmed to us that the screenshot was doctored. It's wrong. Geo News has never reported any such statements quoting Imran Khan or Maulana Fazlur Rehman, he said.

A Google search of the statement also yielded no results, confirming that such a statement has not been reported by any credible media outlet.


The claim can be found here, here, here, here and here on X.

@ZafarNaqviZN's tweet has gained popularity with 30,800 views, 1,100 likes and 359 reposts, at the time of writing.

It was also found here, here, here, here and here on Facebook.

Conclusion: A viral post purporting to report Imran Khan's statement regarding Maulana Fazlur Rehman, General Faiz and Bajwa is false. The screenshot showing a Geo News bulletin is fake and no such statement from Imran Khan has been reported by the news channel.

Background image on cover photo: Juipakofficial

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