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Eric Adams wears Chinese Communist Party scarves

Eric Adams wears Chinese Communist Party scarves
Eric Adams wears Chinese Communist Party scarves


The fashion-conscious mayor of New York has a new accessory: a red scarf that is a powerful symbol of the Chinese Communist Party.

Eric Adams has been seen several times in recent weeks wearing the headscarf, which represents the blood of Chinese Red Guards who gave their lives for communism.

On Saturday, Adams was seen wearing two red scarves around his neck during Brooklyn's first annual Lantern Parade, and he wore another red scarf in Manhattan's Chinatown on Sunday.

Eric Adams wore a red scarf to Lunar New Year events he attended last weekend, including this one in Flushing, Queens. The headscarf is a powerful symbol of the Chinese Communist Party.

Adams received a red scarf similar to the Prelude to the Lunar New Year at Cipriani Downtown, an event including a fashion show organized by China Media Group, China's state media company, on January 26. State-controlled CCTV proudly reported on his presence at the gala.

The eyebrow-raising accessory isn't Hizzoner's first fashion statement: The mayor, who loves tailored suits, has used his clothes to comment on politics in the past.

He wore a custom hand-painted tuxedo emblazoned with “End Gun Violence” by Nigerian artist Laolu to the Met Gala in 2022.

But it may be the most politically intriguing sartorial choice: Chinese President Xi Jinping wore a red scarf, and when a New York nonprofit set up a Chinese police station in Lower Manhattan, revealed First reported by The Post, members of the Fuzhou Overseas Police Service Station posed with red scarves around their necks in their Chinatown office.

A greeter drapes a red scarf around Eric Adams' neck during a Chinese Lunar New Year event in downtown Cipriani last month. Video surveillance+
Eric Adams and Winnie Greco, the mayor's Asian affairs specialist, attended the Lunar New Year event in downtown Cipriani last month, when the mayor received a red scarf, similar to those worn by members of the PCC. Video surveillance+

At least one of the mayor's scarves, which he modeled Sunday in Manhattan's Chinatown, bore the white logo of Asian Community Empowerment Inc., a Brooklyn nonprofit known by the acronym BRACE.

Adams was photographed at the event with Winnie Greco, a controversial special adviser to the mayor who worked as a “consultant” to CCP groups.

A spokesperson for the mayor said he was not aware of the significance of the scarf given to him while he participated in the Brooklyn Lantern Parade in Sunset Park, after being invited by the local councilwoman Susan Zhuang.

“Mayor Adams was proud to participate in two Lunar New Year parades this weekend to honor the tens of thousands of New Yorkers who celebrate the holiday,” a spokesperson told the Post.

Eric Adams and City Council member Susan Zhuang at Brooklyn's first annual Lantern Parade on Saturday.
Eric Adams' scarf features the logo of BRACE, a Brooklyn-based nonprofit organization linked to the United Front. @susanzhuangnyc/X

“During the festivities, someone handed Mayor Adams a red scarf and he put it on without looking at any logos on it. He also wore this same scarf during the second event. This is the beginning and the end of this story.

BRACE is led by John Chan, also known as Chen Shanzhuang, a Chinese-born businessman who also heads the American Chinese Commerce Association.

BRACE also has ties to the United Front, a group of CCP-affiliated organizations whose mandate is to spread communism outside of China.

Chan has recently demonstrated in support of Xi and once organized a protest against Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline banned by China as an “evil sect,” according to

The mayor's spokesperson said Adams “is not friends with John Chan and in no way supports BRACE or any other organization he is associated with.” The Mayor joined these events in support of New York City's local Chinese community and Councilmember Zhuang.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping wears a red scarf in honor of the CCP. Alamy Stock Photo
Members of the Fuzhou Overseas Police Service Station, New York, wear CCP red scarves. The group operates an underground Chinese police station in Lower Manhattan.

BRACE was established in 2014 as Brooklyn Asian Community Empowerment, but changed its name five years later, according to public records.

The group was formed by Chan in 2000, then changed its name to the American Chinese Commerce Association (HK) in 2013, according to public documents.

In November last year, Chan and his US-China Chamber of Commerce hosted China's Xi in San Francisco, where he was attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.

But he was not part of the official delegation: instead he used a megaphone and was involved in demonstrations which turned into scuffles between pro and anti-Xi groups.

Xi Jinping supporters wore buttons emblazoned with the logo of one of John Chan's New York nonprofits that support the Chinese Communist Party during a protest at November's APEC summit in San Francisco . Jungho Kim
John Chan and other pro-China protesters unfurl a huge People's Republic of China flag to welcome Chinese leader Xi Jinping to the APEC summit in San Francisco. Jungho Kim

An Oakland-based photographer who covered the APEC protest said Chan and others, who were wearing American Chinese Commerce Association pins depicting a Chinese and American flag, approached a group of anti-CCP protesters at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, which is on the other side of America. street where Xi resided.

“He was extremely annoyed by the anti-CCP contingent,” photographer Jungho Kim told The Post on Tuesday.

John Chan is seen with a megaphone during a pro-CCP protest during the APEC summit in November in San Francisco. Jungho Kim

In December, Chan's American Chinese Commerce Association sponsored a small group of New York Republicans, including House Minority Leader Will Barclay (R-Pulaski), to travel to China, where they met with officials and business leaders, revealed the Times Union.

Chan has a long history of activism, including marking 50 years of Chinese communism in 1999 by raising the party's banner in Trenton, New Jersey, and then doing the same a year later in Flushing, Queens.

“He was a Chinese citizen,” said a man who identified himself as a translator when the Post called Chan on Tuesday. “That’s the only reason he has these organizations.” He denies that they are from the United Front.”




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