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President Mike Johnson to meet with Donald Trump as his job is threatened

President Mike Johnson to meet with Donald Trump as his job is threatened
President Mike Johnson to meet with Donald Trump as his job is threatened


WASHINGTON With his position in jeopardy, House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to travel to Florida on Friday to meet with the one man who could save his precarious presidency: presumptive Republican presidential nominee, former President Donald Trump .

Trump and Johnson, R-La., plan to make remarks about election integrity, multiple sources said, including one saying the two Republicans would talk about legislation to prevent noncitizens from voting . It's already illegal and very rare, but Trump and many of his allies have falsely claimed that undocumented immigrants affected the 2020 election and warned they could do so this year.

“Congress has a role to play when it comes to federal elections. We want to be absolutely certain that anyone [who] “The votes are actually an American citizen,” Johnson told reporters Friday. “We must ensure that federal law is clear on this issue and ensure election integrity, because that is the greatest concern of the American people right now.”

Johnson makes a pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago, Trump's Palm Beach golf resort, as he faces a constant threat to his job from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the far-right firebrand Georgian and Trump loyalist who has intensified his attacks against him for less than six months.

If Trump remains silent, Greene might see that as enough of an opening. But she is unlikely to challenge Trump if he pushes for Johnson to keep her job and puts pressure on her not to force a vote to oust him, known as a vacate motion.

“Obviously it would help” Johnson if Trump reiterated his support, conservative Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., who has sometimes criticized Johnson but does not support the push to impeach him, said in an interview.

“Trump has supporters; he is our candidate. (…) It is now Trump and Biden, there is no other choice. So it is good that they come together,” continued Norman, saying he expects Trump to make it clear to Johnson that his No. 1 focus should be on passing new immigration restrictions.

When asked what Johnson had to gain by visiting Trump, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., a Johnson critic, said: “President Trump has been a great negotiator, but he also has a very good idea of ​​what the American people think. want,” adding that she is looking forward to their announcement.

Johnson's visit to Palm Beach comes just three days before Trump's trial in New York on charges of falsifying business records in connection with hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

It will be the first in-person meeting between the two men since Trump became the presumptive Republican Party nominee. Such a meeting would not be unusual between a GOP president and a presidential candidate, with the party uniting behind its candidate. But this comes exactly three weeks after Greene filed her motion to unseat Johnson and as other conservatives complain about her handling of a host of thorny issues.

The threats to Johnson's job are fueled by two controversial issues he is stuck on: approving aid to Ukraine and renewing a warrantless surveillance program under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. In both cases, Johnson faces pressure from his party committee leaders, centrist Republicans and the Senate to act against the wishes of a group of far-right members who oppose both issues .

Greene, who released her motion last month before a two-week recess in the House, has not yet triggered it. If she did so, it would require a vote within two legislative days. Upon returning from the House, and despite calls from her colleagues to step down, she only intensified her attacks on Johnson.

Greene threatened the government funding bill passed last month, saying Johnson gave President Joe Biden and Democrats “everything they wanted in the spending package.” (Johnson negotiated the bill, which included various conservative provisions, with the Democratic-controlled Senate and White House.)

I will not tolerate our Republican President-elect, Mike Johnson, serving the Democrats and the Biden administration and helping them implement their policies that are destroying our country. He is throwing our own majority into chaos by failing to serve his own Republican conference that elected him,” Greene wrote in a letter to colleagues this week, while calling on Johnson not to fund aid to Ukraine or to not renew section 702 without a new “warrant requirement”.

No other Republicans said they would vote for Greene's motion to overturn, and Greene downplayed Friday's meeting, saying, “President Trump meets with people all the time.”

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, Republican of Florida, a Johnson ally and a Trump supporter, said he didn't think the threat to the speaker was real: “Johnson is on very solid ground here, regardless the noise.”

And some Democrats said they would vote to protect Johnson if Republicans sought to oust him for providing aid to Ukraine. Democratic leaders, who unified the conference last fall against protecting his presidential predecessor, California's Kevin McCarthy, are keeping that door open with Johnson.

“If the speaker did the right thing and allowed the House to exercise its will in voting for or against the national security bill, then I think there are a reasonable number of Democrats who would not would not want to see the speaker fall because we did the right thing,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., told reporters Thursday, adding that he was making “an observation, not a statement , because we need to have a conversation.”

Friday's meeting is reminiscent of McCarthy's flight to Mar-a-Lago to make amends with Trump just weeks after McCarthy publicly lambasted him for inciting the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol . After Republicans regained control of the House, Trump supported McCarthy for speaker and helped him win the gavel amid a weeklong stalemate.

But last fall, when Trump ally Rep. Matt Gaetz, Republican of Florida, forced a vote to unseat McCarthy, Trump remained silent and made no effort to save him.

Johnson's fate could be different given his role in Trump's effort to overturn Biden's 2020 election victory. He led the amicus brief signed by more than 100 House Republicans who supported a lawsuit in Texas seeking to invalidate election results in four swing states carried by Biden.




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