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Donald Trump will be in Schnecksville on Saturday for three big reasons

Donald Trump will be in Schnecksville on Saturday for three big reasons
Donald Trump will be in Schnecksville on Saturday for three big reasons


There are several reasons why former President Donald Trump is holding a large rally in the Lehigh Valley on Saturday.

First, it is a political battleground in a highly competitive swing state.

Second, the country is home to a large population of Latino voters, a group that Trump is trying to appeal to in his third bid for the White House.

And finally, Trump has a major Holocaust denier and donor from the region who appears to have helped organize it.

The rally at the Schnecksville Fire Station is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. and doors will open hours earlier. The county GOP chairman told the Lehigh Valley News that organizers expected more than 6,000 people at the outdoor rally off Route 309.

Trump plans to attend a fundraiser in Bucks County earlier today. His swing in Pennsylvania comes less than two weeks before the state's primary elections, in which the presidential race will be largely formal, since Trump and President Joe Biden are already their party's presumptive nominees.

Trump will visit the state after a week in which he refused to endorse a national ban on abortion, saying laws surrounding the procedure should be left to the states. His former chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, was also sentenced to five months in prison in a perjury trial, as Trump's lawyers sought to delay his ongoing trials.

Biden will make his own campaign trail across the state next week, with stops in Scranton, the Pittsburgh area and the Philadelphia area.

Trump and Biden have polled very closely in most state polls. The most recent Franklin & Marshall poll gave Biden a two-point lead, within the poll's margin of error.

Why are Donald Trump and Joe Biden focusing on the Lehigh Valley?

Schnecksville, about 10 miles from Allentown, is in Lehigh County. The Lehigh Valley is a swing region in the battleground state, which Biden won by about 80,000 votes in 2020. Neighboring Northampton County is one of the swing counties that voted for former President Barack Obama , Trump, then Biden.

The area is part of the 7th Congressional District represented by U.S. Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.), who won one of the state's closest congressional races in 2020, fending off her GOP challenger by about 5,000 voice.

Several Republicans are lining up to try to defeat Wild in November.

Trump and Biden, recognizing the importance of the region, visited the Lehigh Valley. In 2020, Trump visited businesses in Hanover and Upper Macungie Townships. He previously earned an honorary degree from Lehigh University, although the school rescinded it in 2021 following the January 6 insurrection.

Biden spoke in 2021 at a Mack Truck factory where he touted a Buy America initiative and most recently, in January, visited small businesses in Allentown.

How the Lehigh Valley became home to a key voting bloc

The Lehigh Valley region is also home to one of the largest populations of Latinos in the state and about 615,000 Latino voters, according to the Pew Research Center.

Latino political power has been growing in Pennsylvania, with the population increasing by more than 40 percent since 2010, according to recent census data. Much of the growth has occurred along the Route 222 corridor in Reading, Allentown, Lancaster and York.

In 2020, Latinos in the region expressed some concern about Biden's outreach efforts there, but he still won the Latino vote both nationally and in Pennsylvania. This year, polls show support among Democrats has declined.

A New York Times/Siena poll from March showed Trump making significant progress with Latinos. Despite the anti-immigration rhetoric that Democrats have put forward to try to dissuade Latinos from Trump, polls show that Latino voters are drawn to Trump on economic and border issues.

Pennsylvania will be the battleground for both campaigns. Earlier this month, a billionaire-backed conservative Latino voter outreach group launched. Biden's campaign launched a Latinos for Biden effort, including statewide Spanish-language television and digital ads and events with community leaders in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Vice President Kamala Harris also recently called a popular Spanish radio station in Allentown.

Who is Bill Bachenberg?

Trump's rally is taking place in North Whitehall Township, the same town where political ally and one of the area's most powerful GOP promoters, Bill Bachenberg, has his business.

According to the Lehigh Valley News, Bachenberg's popular clay target shooting facility, Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays, rented the fire station for the Trump rally.

Bachenberg is a former NRA board member and tech company CEO, who chaired the Pennsylvania slate of fake electors submitted to Congress.

He also allegedly provided a $1 million line of credit to try to prove the election was stolen from Trump. He has since been accused of charging the company after it failed to produce any evidence.

Bachenberg was not charged in the indictments against Trump and his allies alleging they engaged in election interference, although he was subpoenaed by the House Select Committee on United States on January 6.

Bachenberg has made political donations to GOP candidates in the past, campaign finance records show, but he has become more involved in politics since 2016. He said he knew Donald Trump Jr. through about his involvement in the NRA and that he had gone shooting with him. , and in 2016 he became a member of one of Pennsylvania's first pro-Trump PACs.

He has kept a low profile in public in recent years, although one exception was a fundraiser for Trump in October 2020, when he took the stage, approached a cardboard cutout of Trump and thanked veterans for their service.




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