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I Love Cotton and I Hate Lycra, A Brief History of Unexpected Workout Gear | Fashion

I Love Cotton and I Hate Lycra, A Brief History of Unexpected Workout Gear |  Fashion


WOrkout selfies of gym bunnies wearing skintight leggings, short shorts, and bicep-baring tops have become as common as spotting someone drinking a protein shake during your morning commute. That is to say widespread. But this week, American singer Lenny Kravitz took the genre to a whole new, unexpected level.

Post a video on his Instagram, Kravitz was filmed lying on a bench press pushing weighted dumbbells into the air while his trainer gripped his legs. Although his training technique received strong criticism from gym professionalsit was her choice of sportswear, black leather pants, a sheer vest, black Cuban heeled boots and bug-eyed blackout sunglasses that got the most attention online.

Lenny Kravitz working out in leather pants in the gym, according to his Instagram. Photography: lennykravitz/Instagram

You don't have any workout clothes? one user commented. Damn I need better gym fits, rapper Wiz Khalifa wrote.

Kravitz is known for his love of fashion. Throughout his career, the 59-year-old has refined a distinctive '70s-inspired style that revolves around thigh-hugging leather pants and even tighter T-shirts. But it was a first to see Kravitz wearing his at his local gym.

Then again, would it have been even more shocking to see him in comfortable sportswear? As one user noted: My man never breaks character. Full-time rockstar.

Kravitz is not the first to favor his daily uniform for training. In 2021, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson was photographed jogging in a crisp white shirt and polished oxford shoes. On another occasion he wore a pair of swimsuits. Actor Richard E Grant regularly posts videos of himself running around Richmond Park in his signature jazzy patterned shirt and jumper.

I love cotton and hate Lycra, hence a collared shirt when she's nervous on that long giraffe neck, the Saltburn star, 66, explained. in one of these video messages.

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Richard E Grant in the race, from his Instagram feed. Photography: richard.e.grant/Instagram

As part of Grants posts, many users have shared their own experiences of family and friends refusing to adopt specialist moisture-wicking fabrics. Whether it's skiing in neatly ironed Oxford shirts or throwing yourself into formal cords, it seems to be a trend among a certain older cohort of the same thinking generation drinking eight glasses of water a day is some kind of conspiracy theory.

Some users wonder if Grant and others actually understood anything. Rather than wearing tight workout clothes, perhaps the secret to exercising is to simply get up and go in what you feel comfortable in? In 1983, Cliff Young, a 61-year-old farmer, won the first 875 km ultramarathon between Sydney and Melbourne wearing his work overalls and rubber boots. In 2016, 23-year-old Juris Silenieks won an Atlanta half marathon wearing brown dress shoeswhile illustrations from Good Housekeeping in the 1920s show women doing push-ups in pajamas. Sports suits of the era consisted of long-sleeved blouses with sailor collars and pleated bloomer shorts worn over tights.

Although Grants cotton shirts won't give you the same dry feeling as chemically-based synthetic materials, the cotton will keep your body cool. But, for those tempted by Kravitz's leather pants, prepare for a post-workout struggle to get them off.




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