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Donald Trump and Mike Johnson announce national proof of citizenship bill

Donald Trump and Mike Johnson announce national proof of citizenship bill
Donald Trump and Mike Johnson announce national proof of citizenship bill


WASHINGTON, DC In a joint press conference at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) announced that Republicans of the United States House of Representatives were introducing new voter suppression legislation that would require all people wishing to vote to show proof of their citizenship. The bill, announced under the guise of election integrity, would target the non-phenomenon of non-citizens voting in federal elections.

During the press conference, Trump and Johnson falsely suggested that many non-citizens vote in federal elections, one of the reasons Trump previously claimed he lost the 2016 election. Johnson, speaking to members of the press, said that if only 1 in 100 people [noncitizens] vote that could lead hundreds of thousands of non-citizens to vote, potentially upending an election. The bill, according to Johnson, also requires states to remove non-citizens from their existing voter rolls.

The problem with Trump and Johnson's claims about election integrity is that non-citizens are already barred from voting in federal elections, making this bill another redundant attempt by Republicans to resolve a no -problem regarding voting. Under a 1996 law, it is illegal for any non-citizen to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for president, vice president, presidential elector, member of the Senate, member of the House of Representatives. , District of Columbia Delegate or Resident Commissioner.

This is not the first time that Republicans have attempted to ban non-citizens from voting in federal elections, despite the fact that they are already prohibited from doing so. Last year, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act, a sweeping voter suppression bill that, among other provisions, would ban non-voters. citizens to vote in federal elections.

The only instances in which noncitizens are allowed to vote are in state and local elections in certain municipalities in states like California, Maryland, and Vermont and in Washington, DC. New York City passed a law in early 2022 to allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections, but voters and Republican officials sued to block the law from taking effect. A state trial court struck down the law shortly afterward, but an appeal is currently being considered by the state's highest court.

The push to bar noncitizens from voting grew out of right-wing conspiracy theories and baseless accusations of massive voter fraud. According to a 2017 study by the Brennan Center for Justice, an examination of votes in 42 jurisdictions during the 2016 election found that only 30 votes out of 23.5 million were suspected of being non-citizen votes.

The lack of fraud reinforces a broad consensus among academics, journalists and election administrators: voter fraud of any kind, including non-citizen voting, is rare, the report concludes.

Watch the press conference here.

Read more about Republican attempts to ban non-citizen voting here.




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