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AP-NORC poll shows many say Biden and Trump have done more harm than good, but for different reasons

AP-NORC poll shows many say Biden and Trump have done more harm than good, but for different reasons
AP-NORC poll shows many say Biden and Trump have done more harm than good, but for different reasons


WASHINGTON (AP) There's a reason President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump spend so much time attacking each other. They don't think either has anything to brag about when it comes to their own record. Americans generally believe that while in the White House, both did more harm than good on key issues.

But the two candidates have different weaknesses. For Biden, it is widespread discontent on two subjects: the economy and immigration. Trump, meanwhile, faces an electorate many of whom believe he has harmed the country on a range of issues.

A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that more than half of U.S. adults believe Biden's presidency has hurt the country in terms of cost of living and immigration, while nearly half believe Trump's presidency has harmed the country when it comes to voting rights and election security. , relations with foreign countries, abortion laws and climate change.

“Considering the price of gas, the price of groceries, the economy, I did very well for those four years,” Christina Elliott, 60, a Texas Republican, said of the Trump presidency. “I didn’t have to worry about filling up my tank or losing half my paycheck to the grocery store.”

Elliott was not very enthusiastic about Trump's handling of abortion and said that when it comes to the former president's rhetoric, “he just needs to learn to be tactful and to hush up”.

“But other than that, like I said, I did very well during the Trump years,” she added.

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The poll highlights why certain issues such as abortion for Biden and immigration for Trump have been persistent focal points for each of the campaigns. The former president regularly decries the number of asylum seekers arriving in the United States under Biden, describing the situation in apocalyptic and grim terms. And Biden has gone on the offensive against Trump on abortion, particularly after this week's ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court that essentially criminalized the procedure in the state.

When asked which president has done the most to help people like them, about a third say Donald Trump and about a quarter say Joe Biden. Yet 30% of adults say neither Biden nor Trump has benefited them. It's another data point that reflects an electorate largely disappointed with this year's general election choices, generating little enthusiasm among key parts of the Biden and Trump political coalitions.

Americans rate Biden particularly negatively on a few specific issues. Only about 2 in 10 Americans think Biden's presidency has helped “a lot” or “a little” to lower the cost of living, and 16% say the same about immigration and border security. Nearly 6 in 10 say his presidency has done a lot or a little wrong on these issues. In contrast, nearly half (46%) of Americans say Trump's presidency has helped a lot or a little on immigration or border security. Four in ten people say it has helped reduce the cost of living. Texas resident Trelicia Mornes, 36, said she feels Biden's presidency has done a lot of harm when it comes to everyday spending.

“Now that he's in office, the cost of living has gotten out of control and nothing is being done about it,” said Mornes, a Democrat, pointing to rising rent and food costs. She said she thought Biden could do more: “He’s just choosing to do something else.” »

The pandemic has hurt Trump in terms of employment, with the economy losing 2.7 million jobs under his watch. But pandemic lockdowns have also significantly dampened inflation, with the consumer price index falling from an annual rate of 2.3% to as low as 0.1%. At the same time, low interest rates and historic levels of deficit-financed government stimulus have left many households better off under Trump.

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Coming out of the pandemic, Biden gave the economy a boost with additional aid that helped generate 15.2 million jobs under his watch. But supply chain problems, Russia's war in Ukraine and Biden's aid plan are seen by many economists as having contributed to rising inflation, hurting the Democrat's approval rating.

Trump's advantage on the cost of living and immigration is partly explained by Democrats' lack of enthusiasm for Biden's performance. About a third of Democrats, for example, think Biden's presidency has hurt the cost of living, and another third think Biden has neither helped nor hurt. Only a third of Democrats believe Biden's presidency has helped lower the cost of living. About 3 in 10 Democrats think Biden's presidency has helped immigration and border security, a similar share think his presidency has harmed it, and about 4 in 10 think it has made no difference.

Nadia Stepicheva, 38, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, is unhappy with how Biden has handled immigration.

“The problem is that I really don’t like illegal immigration,” Stepicheva said. She believes that people who enter the United States, even illegally, should be allowed to work so that taxpayer dollars are not used to care for and house them.

Stepicheva said she has always leaned toward the Democrats and the party's policies: “But in the last four years I feel like too much money is being spent on immigration, canceling all these student loans.” She said she was torn about who she would vote for next November.

But independents also rate Biden poorly on these issues: Nearly 6 in 10 independents say Biden's presidency has hurt the country in terms of the cost of living. About four in ten independents say Biden's presidency has hurt the country when it comes to the cost of health care and relations with other countries.

Trump has a different problem.

The former president doesn't have issues on which more than half of Americans think he did more to harm things than help them, but the general sense of harm is a bit broader. Nearly half of Americans think his presidency has done more harm than good on climate change, voting rights and election security, abortion laws and relations with foreign countries.

Catherine Scott, a Republican who recently moved to New York from Florida, said she found Trump's approach to foreign policy particularly concerning.

“I understand that some people really admire Trump's ability to be a fire eater and say whatever comes to his mind,” Scott, 30, said. But, pointing to Trump's complimentary comments about autocrats like Russian President Vladimir Putin, Scott said: “I don't think he has all the foresight to understand that maybe it's not always the right thing to do.”

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Overall, the best issue for both Biden and Trump is job creation. Trump has a small advantage here: Nearly half say his presidency has helped, while 36% say Biden's presidency has helped. About half of Americans also think Trump's presidency has helped improve immigration, and 4 in 10 think his presidency has helped lower the cost of living.

On all other questions, the share of Americans who say Biden or Trump helped the country a lot or a little is about 3 in 10 or less. But Republicans, overall, tend to see more upside in Trump's presidency than Democrats do in Biden's, even on issues Biden worked on to highlight his victories.

For example, only about half of Democrats say Biden's presidency has helped combat climate change or lower the cost of health care. On abortion laws, 77% of Democrats think Trump's presidency has been at least somewhat harmful, but only about 4 in 10 say Biden's presidency has helped a lot or a little, and a similar share think that Biden’s presidency made no difference.

Meanwhile, about 8 in 10 Republicans say Trump's presidency has helped improve immigration and border security, creating jobs and lowering the cost of living.

The survey was conducted among 1,204 adults April 4-8, 2024, using a sample drawn from NORC's AmeriSpeak probability panel, designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.9 percentage points.




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