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Why Trump is now haunted by his incessant insults against Sleepy Joe

Why Trump is now haunted by his incessant insults against Sleepy Joe
Why Trump is now haunted by his incessant insults against Sleepy Joe


Let me be clear from the outset: I cannot say with certainty and certainty that Donald Trump fell asleep on the first day of his criminal trial in New York. No video footage exists of the proceedings and no photographs were taken during the jury selection process.

But there's no great mystery as to why this was a major topic of conversation yesterday. The NBC News report summed it up this way:

Trump's eyes were closed during part of Monday's proceedings when [Judge Juan Merchan] read potential jurors his instructions, creating speculation about whether he was asleep or simply deep in thought.

As MSNBC's on-air coverage yesterday afternoon made clear, other news outlets have made related observations available to the public. A New York Times article, for example, says the former president appeared to fall asleep on several occasions, his mouth relaxing and his head falling to his chest.

Shortly after, a Washington Post article added that Trump closed his eyes and sometimes appeared to fall asleep.

Once again, I wasn't there. I don't know if Trump fell asleep. But I know these reports are doing the presumptive GOP nominee a disservice.

Some will no doubt say that the underlying question is irrelevant. What matters, they will say, are the substantive lessons from a historic day and a serious criminal case involving a former U.S. president. I am not unsympathetic to those who downplay the importance of optical stories.

But context also matters. As Rachel explained during MSNBC's coverage, we're in the middle of a campaign. The age issue is the main thing the Trump campaign wants to use against its opponent, the whole Sleepy Joe thing.

This is a timely follow-up to a related story from a few months ago. Trump and his allies urged voters to take seriously allegations that President Joe Biden suffered from cognitive impairment. It was in this context that Trump told his audience that Hungary's Viktor Orbn was Turkey's leader, suggested that Biden might be responsible for starting World War II, confused Jeb Bush and George W. Bush, confused Biden with Barack Obama, repeatedly stated that Hungary borders Russia, and twice confused former Ambassador Nikki Haley with Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi.

Were these innocent missteps? Maybe, but when a White House candidate makes these mistakes a central part of his campaign message, and then starts making mistakes at public events, it stands to reason that these incidents will attract some attention.

Likewise, when Trump repeatedly calls incumbent Democrat Sleepy Joe and focuses endless attention on Biden's age, it stands to reason that the political world will take note when the former president visits a meeting room. audience and will be seen, as an NBC News report says. , eyes tightly closed.




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