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Flashes send six players to state tennis tournament – The Vicksburg Post

Flashes send six players to state tennis tournament – The Vicksburg Post
Flashes send six players to state tennis tournament – The Vicksburg Post


Flashes send six players to a state tennis tournament

Published Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 5:17 PM

St. Aloysius officiated at the MAIS Class 5A South State tennis tournament on Tuesday.

Six St. Al players, including two in singles and two in doubles, advanced to the finals in their brackets, advancing them to the state tournament April 25 in Ridgeland.

St. Als Walker Moore and Carrie Wood won the mixed doubles, while the boys doubles team of Ryan Davidson and Caleb Stewart, and singles players Michael Moore and Hendrix Eldridge all lost in the final.

Moore and Wood began their mixed doubles championship run by defeating Brookhaven Academy's Levi Dale and Ava Calcote 6-2, 6-2 in the semifinals.

That sent them to the final, where they recorded a tough 7-6, 6-4 victory against Colin Doyle and Ruth Lindsey of Parklane Academy.

In the girls' singles No. 2 match, the freshman won Eldridge 6-1, 6-1 in the semifinals, but couldn't beat Parklane's Anistyn Henderson in the final round.

Eldridge and Henderson played several long points during their match, with Henderson eventually winning more, winning 6-2, 7-5.

We had a lot of long points and she had some shots that I couldn't get to. But overall she was just a really good player. It was a good game, Eldridge said.

In the No. 2 boys' singles, Michael Moore cruised past Parklane's Authur Bishop 6-1, 6-2 in his first match before losing 6-0, 6-1 to Providence Classicals Judson Lenert for the championship.

Although he didn't win, Moore was happy with his day. Just a seventh-grader, he advanced to the state tournament in his first varsity season.

It is well. All the practice paid off, so I'm happy, Moore said.

St. No. 2 boys doubles team of Davidson and Stewart won a competitive match, 6-4, 6-4 against Parklane's Kirk Gibbes and Kasen White in the semifinals, but fell short in the final round.

Brookhaven Academy's Noah Fisher-Butler and Cooper Strickland defeated the St. Als duo 7-5, 6-4.

In other brackets, the St. Al No. 1 girls doubles team of Sarah Beth Johnston and Olivia Larsen lost a competitive match to sister duo Annaston and Swayze Poole of Brookhaven Academy 7-6, 6-3 in the semifinals.

The Poole sisters then defeated Cathedral's Lacie Welch and Graci Gamberi 7-6, 6-1 for the championship.

In the No. 1 boys doubles, Walker Lambiotte and James Powell also lost in the semifinals 4-6, 6-1, 6-1 to Parklane's Henry Gibbes and Jax Rayborn.

Gibbes and Rayborn won the championship match in straight sets.

St. Al will hit the road for next week's state tournament, but Halls Ferry Park will remain busy with postseason tennis in his absence.

The facility will host the MAIS District 4-3A tournament with Porters Chapel Academy on Wednesday. And then, April 22-24, it will be the site of the MHSAA Class 4A, 6A and 7A individual state tournaments.

About Ernest Bowker

Ernest Bowker is the sports editor of The Vicksburg Post. He has been a member of The Vicksburg Post's sports staff since 1998, making him one of the longest-tenured reporters in the paper's 140-year history. The New Jersey native graduated from LSU. During his career, he has won more than 50 awards from the Mississippi Press Association and Associated Press for his coverage of local sports in Vicksburg.

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