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Donald Trump's reported courtroom nap wakes up Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert

Donald Trump's reported courtroom nap wakes up Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert
Donald Trump's reported courtroom nap wakes up Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert


The moment the world learned that Donald Trump allegedly took an impromptu nap on the first day of his secret trial, late-night television writers rubbed their hands with glee. After years of waiting, the first criminal trial of a former president has begun, Jon Stewart said on Monday's episode of The Daily Show. And by all accounts, it’s absolutely fascinating.

He then shared a clip of New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman speaking to CNN's Jake Tapper about the courtroom nap, which the Trump campaign understandably denied happened. (The incident itself could not be filmed because filming was not permitted in the courtroom.) Trump appears to be sleeping. His head keeps dropping and his mouth relaxes, Tapper said, reading Haberman's earlier observations and then imploring the reporter to tell us about them. She replied: Well, Jake, he seemed asleep.

Hey, Jake, what part of head down, eyes closed, drool coming out of his mouth, you don't come here? Stewart teased. Imagine committing so many crimes that you become bored during your own trial.

Before continuing, Stewart recaps what the Trump trial is about and what's at stake: Now, in case you're lost track, this is the trial in which Trump allegedly paid hush money to a star adult cinema with whom he slept and then allegedly falsified deals. files to hide it. Or, as Trump would say, the host then cut to a clip of Trump saying the trial was political persecution and an assault on America, which is why I'm very proud to be here. Stewart's response? Well, it's true: Trump is always very proud to participate in any attack on America.

On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert imitated Trump's sleeping musings during his monologue. Oh, my God, I was having the most terrible dream where I had to read something, he said with the singular cadence of the former president. Oh no, the dream was real. But if that's true, then where's the hamburger with boobs?

Jimmy Kimmel also devoted much of his Monday monologue to bashing Trump. If Biden is Sleepy Joe, I guess that makes you Doze-O the Clown, Kimmel said. Imagine if Joe Biden fell asleep in court on the first day of his trial, he continued. Trump would call him Comatose Joe; Fox News would talk about it until Christmas. But not old Donny Nappleseed. Overall, the late night host concluded, “It's nice to see that even Donald Trump is exhausted by Donald Trump.”




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